Chapter 25 - Ethan

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It's been a week since we've first visited Taylor. I still try to visit every day, but I started work a couple of days ago, which, is where I'm going now.

I walk into the café, and see someone new! My boss is in there with them. She greets me. "Ethan! Hey! This is Lucas. He's also new. Lucas, this is Ethan. He started about three days ago."
I nod, admiring Lucas. He's cute. Very, cute. Not like a; I wanna date you cute, but a; I would date you cute. He's pretty thin, but still a bit of squish. He has dimples, which make him look cuter. He has fluffy blonde hair, and the bluest of blue eyes. He's paler than me! And, he looks very shy. So obviously I'm going to try to be friends with him. I walk up to Lucas, putting my hand out. "I'm Ethan. I'm seventeen, and I go to Nova. You?"
He puts his hand out and shakes mine. It's warm. "I'm Lucas. I'm sixteen. I go to CHS." He says. His voice is deep for such a shy looking dude! I smile. My boss, Lillian, grins. "That's my brother."
"Actually??" I ask. Lillian has cut short red hair, but.. She is pale, and she does have blue eyes.. Wow. It's just- wow. I guess it's the heavy makeup she's wearing..? I don't know.

"Yep! I'll be putting you two to work together. I'm gonna go set up the coffee's. Tell me if anyone comes in." Lillian explains, walking away. Lucas looks at me, taking in my features. It makes me kind of uncomfortable, but luckily he finally speaks.
"So, Ethan. Um, any cool things I wanna know about you?"
I think for a moment. Should I tell him about Taylor..? Mm, no, not yet. "Not that I know of.." I say.
"Sad. Don't worry, I'm a loser too." He assures me. I smile. "Then we can be losers together!" I exclaim. Lucas smiles too. It's a warm smile that could melt your heart.
"You're really optimistic! That's something cool! Not many people are nowadays." He says. I think about it for a moment, before grinning. "You know what, yeah! That is cool! Ha! Thanks Lucas, you boosted my self esteem!" I say, proudly. Lucas smiles again. "Any time." He says. I blush, but luckily for me, a customer comes in. "Welcome! What would you like?" I ask. Lucas walks to go tell Lillian.

On my break, I text Daniel.


Hey D. I'm on break
Hows Taylor?

Better she's
laughing a lot more.

That's good :) Ill be off
in 2 hrs.

K. I'll tell T.


I turn my phone off. "Who was that?" I hear a voice ask. I jump, and scream, but then see it's Lucas. He's laughing. My adrenaline slows down, and I'm breathing heavily. I get irritated. "Lucas!!" I yell, lightly hitting him. I bet my face is so red right now. I sit there and glare at Lucas with my arms crossed, as he laughs. Once he's finally done, he puts a hand on my shoulder, using the other to wipe a tear from his face. I'm frowning. He notices, and stops laughing. "Aw, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were so jumpy. Do youf forgive me?" He asks, giving me puppy dog eyes. Going red, I look away. "Pff- fine.."
Lucas grins, cheekily, but then gets curious again. "But actually, was that a friend? He has hearts around his name. Are you gay?"

I'm shocked he's asking such questions! Privacy exists. I sigh. "No, he's my best friend. .. And.. Crush.. Well- I'm kinda getting over him! It's just- I don't know.."
I go to yapping. Lucas just stares at me with a straight face. I stop. "I'm sorry- I'm just talking. Uh- Is break almost over?"
Lucas checks his watch. "Yeah. Let's get back inside." He says, flatly. I smile, and skip inside.

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