Chapter 16 - Taylor

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"An apology?! For what?! You should be the one apologizing to me!!" I yell. Penelope clicks her tongue and shakes her head. "Tisk tisk tisk, Taylor.." She starts, taking her cat ears off and throwing them to the ground. "You don't understand, do you?"
"I under perfectly. You're a certified psycho who dresses colorfully to look innocent!" I shout. Penelope laughs. "Silly Taylor!" She immediately goes serious. "No. You need to apologize for ignoring me! When you got that job you ignored my every word- my every breath! All you wanted to do was teach me stuff I didn't care about! You corrected me on every little thing! You called me so many names!" She screams, looking at her hands and tearing up. She clenches her fists and grits her teeth before looking at me. "You called me stupid, you called me dumb, you called me irrelevant, irresponsible, unorganized, forgettable.." She takes a breath. "An imbecile, a fool, a moron, a dummy!" She says, crying. "You made me believe I was the dumbest person on earth! You didn't take in my feelings at all! So when I collected all of the information on hacking I needed.." She sighs. "I ended our friendship, plotting my revenge." She mumbles. "I told myself I'd be better than your in everything next time I saw you! And now- look at me!" She squeaks, gesturing to herself and smiling through her tears. She takes out her contacts, revealing her dark brown eyes. "I am better than you now.. I- I tricked you! I made you think I was gone for good! Now, you're tied up! And under my command." She growls, getting right up in my face. Her breath is minty. I'm shocked. Was I really that bad..? I ask myself. My thoughts get broadcasted into the room. "Was I really that bad..?"
What the- "What the-" I finally speak. "How are you doing that?!" I ask. Penelope smirks. "I did some.. Extra research~" She says, looking at her nails. I'm shocked. I sigh, trying not to think anything so she won't hear me. "I'm sorry, Penelope."
Penelope tenses. She looks at me. "What was that?"
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I called you names. I'm sorry I made you feel like a goon. I'm sorry I made you leave me. I'm sorry I only focused on myself. I'm just-" I pause. "I'm sorry.." I finish, mumbling. Penelope is silent.

"Really..?" She asks, tearing up. I nod. She then scowls, tears all gone. "Well too bad!" She says, picking up a knife with colorful crystals on the handle, and stomping over to me. I go as white as paper, freezing. "Uh- Pene-Peneolpe..? You're not going to.. Use that on me, are you..?" I ask, my voice shaking. Penelope laughs, putting the knife tip to my throat, her face right up by mine, our noses almost touching. "I thought you were smart, Taylor?" She asks, sneering. My breathing is unsteady. I'm shocked. She yanks the knife away, along with herself, causing me to jump. I'm shaking. Penelope has her back to me. She turns around, and hoists the knife up, and slashes my arm. I scream, tears forming. "That's for the names you've called me!!" She yells. She cuts my other arm. I scream again, crying. "That's for ignoring me!"
Again, she cuts me. Another one on my arm. "That's for being a shitty friend!!" She yells, crying. I'm crying too. She takes the knife away, walking back. She turns her back to me again. "You better hope I find no more reasons to slash you." She mumbles, her voice breaking. She walks to the other end of the room, putting the knife down. I'm crying, hard. I really hope I'm found soon..

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