Chapter 7 - Ethan

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I'm at school talking to Daniel. We're still on good terms, and I still like him, but I'm not going to do anything.
"So, Ethan."
"Yeah?" I ask.
"Why is Taylor coming over to us?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I freeze. Taylor?! I whip my head around, and my eyes go wide. Taylor, the girl who literally made me cry, is hopping over on crutches and grinning. Not to be mean, but Taylor does not look flattering when she smiles. My immediate reaction is to run, because I'm a coward, but I don't. I can't move. Taylor finally gets over here. "Hey, guys!" She greets us like old friends. Daniel gets in front of me. "What are you doing here?" He snarls. Man that was hot..
Taylors face goes from happy to remorseful. "Listen, guys." She sighs. "I don't know what I was thinking when I was mean.. It's just that I've never had anyone to trust!" She then smiles warmly. "Can we start over?" She asks. Daniel opens his mouth to speak but I interrupt him. "Sure!" I go around Daniel and stick out my hand. "I'm Ethan Miller."  I say. I look down when she does not return the handshake, and gasp. "Oh I'm sorry! Uh- Here!" I pat her on the back. She laughs. "You're good. I'm Taylor. Taylor Smith. Who's your friend?" Wow, she's good at this starting over thing. Daniel sighs. "Daniel. Daniel Kyler."
He grumbles. Taylor smiles. "Great! I'm new here. Can we be friends? You two seem the least fake."
Daniel mumbles something inaudible. I turn around. "Huh?"
He looks at me. "Nothing." He responds. I shrug. Taylor gives him a suspicious look, but then stops, and looks back to me before grinning. "Anyways! I have my schedule. I have Math, Science, English, History,  Lunch, Home Economics, Programming, and a free period. You guys?"
I speak first. "Ooh! I have English, Science, Math, History, Lunch, Home Economics, Volunteer 101 and a free period!" I state, grinning. Daniel pipes in. "Uhhh I got.. Math, Science, History, Athletics, Lunch, English, Programming, and Athletics II." He says. Taylor's eyes sparkle. "Wow, we have lots of the same classes, us three!"
"Yep!" I say, grinning with my hands on my hips. The bell then rings, and we all head off to class.

School is super boring, but I'm glad Taylor's here.
During Lunch, Taylor heads to the bathroom. The second she leaves Daniel leans towards me. It's taking all I have not to blush.
"I don't trust Taylor. Do you?" He asks, his voice husky. I think about it for a second. She did change up her personality really quickly.. I shrug. "Maybe she just felt bad!" I say, chewing the dry chicken they served us today. Not even mashed potatoes and milk can save it.
Daniel leans away. "Maybe. Or maybe she's faking it." He finishes. It clicks what he said when Taylor was talking about us not being fake, but I stay silent as I continue to eat.
Taylor comes back, and Daniel immediately goes to questioning her. "So Taylor, what do you like to do? Do you get into trouble a lot?"
I swallow my chicken and go to put up my tray immediately. I am not about to be apart of that.
I go into the guys bathroom, and just hang there until the bell rings.

During last period, mine and Taylors free period, I grab my phone and start playing on it. Taylor gets a laptop out of her bag and goes on it. My suspicions rise. I know they shouldn't but they do. She said before she kicked us out that she does a lot of coding, and that it gets her into trouble. I watch her, and the urge is too bad. I lean in. "Whatcha doin'?"
Taylor doesn't look up. "Coding."
"Whatcha codin'?"
"I'll show you when I finish."
She never showed me.

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