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"Yuko. What I suspected was correct. Haru has turned half of the board against Sachi. Call me as soon as you get this."

Isis pressed her eyes shut after listening to Menelik's voicemail first thing in the morning. She had a massive headache, her stomach was queasy, and she had a mean craving for peanut butter at 8am. She didn't have the capacity to deal with this shit. Haru was still the same snake from all those years ago. She didn't understand how her mother could trust him in the first place. Had it been her, she would've made sure he was worm food.

Sachi's judgment, or lack thereof, was the reason she had practically handed her legacy to those who never wanted to see her win; to those who always looked at her as the help.

Isis had a doctor's appointment scheduled later that day. She needed to find out how far along she was, and that would help her come to a better conclusion on who was the father of her child. Seeing as though she hadn't touched Jhonny with a ten foot pole since she returned home, the likelihood of it being him was slim.

And if it was Jetson's...she had no idea where she would go from there. She ignored every single call and text from him, because she could no longer entertain a life she would never live with him. Suddenly, her fingers found their way to his text thread, and she played with the idea of responding to the last text he sent - missing you deeply.

Her heart felt heavier than ever before.
What could she even say to him?

When a knock came at her bedroom door, she closed the message and sat her phone down.

"Come in," she said, sitting up in bed.

In walked Akita, alarmed eyes and fast feet.
"Malachi just called me. Haru is-"

"Trying to challenge Sachi's seat. I know," sighed Isis.

"Well why aren't you up? We should be leaving now! She needs us!"

"We can go first thing tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Akita scoffed. "That's too long. I'll call back Haru to send the jet."

"No. I can't go until tomorrow. I have something to take care of before we leave. It can't wait."

"What's more important than this? Our seats are on the line, and unlike you, I deserve my spot. You know how rare it is for women to run the Dragon family? We are the first in history. If Haru takes Sachi's seat, we will fall to the bottom of the food chain. My father worked too hard for us to fail!"

"Your father?" Isis retorted. "He's my father too."

"You never even met him. You never heard how passionate he was about our legacy. That's why you don't give a shit about anyone but yourself!" Akita hissed.

Isis felt like she had been slapped in the face.
"Me? All you ever do is talk about you. If you're so great, why didn't Sachi choose you to lead? Why didn't your father make sure you were the heir?"

"Because Sachi is too busy trying to make up for sacrificing you to do what's right. She's pitying you and overcompensating for a decision she made long ago. That's how she is. Weak. That's why we're in this position in the first place."

"Fuck you," Isis spat at her sister. "And get the fuck out of my room. How about you hop on your broom and fly the fuck back home."

"We're leaving today. With or without you." Akita gave Isis one last menacing stare before storming out of her room.

Isis flung from her bed and slammed the door behind her.

"Stupid bitch," she cursed under her breath.

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