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Legacy was three stories of chaos - ass shaking, sparkles flying, and hookah smoke everywhere. Jetson had seen nothing like it before. When he agreed to step out with Kimmy and her peoples, he thought that meant a few drinks and a two step on the dance floor - the elbow to elbow crowd told him otherwise. Out of habit, he watched his surroundings as he lingered behind the group, fighting through the throngs of people to make it to their section.

"Yess! This is lit!" Kendra exclaimed when they reached their reserved seats.

Kimmy clutched her purse closer to her.

"Yeah, a little too lit. Kendra, you didn't say this place had strippers."

"Girl, it's Vegas. What did you expect?" Her friend jeered. "But who doesn't like a little ass shaking?"

Kimmy looked back at Jetson, who was already putting in an order for drinks with a big-breasted brunette. He was smiling just a tad too much, and she wasn't sure if it was her trauma being triggered or if he was flirting right in front of her. It didn't help that the bitch was eyeballing the skyscraper of a man, looking like she was getting high off his cologne.

"What are you getting us, baby?" Kimmy asked, stepping into her man's space.

"Just a few bottles for the section," said Jetson, handing over his card. "Just keep a tab open."

"Alright handsome, will do!" The woman pranced away without giving Kimmy the satisfaction of an interaction.

"Alright handsome," Kimmy mocked her. "Dumb bitch."

For lack of a better response, Jetson chuckled, and his hand found the small of her back. "Relax baby. It's their job to be nice. How else do you think they get tipped?"

He was grateful that she didn't drag it. Jetson wouldn't say it aloud, but he hated when she showed her insecurities. He understood standing your ground, but the longer he and Kimmy were together, the more he saw a side of her he wasn't particularly fond of.

She had a quick tongue and an even quicker eye roll when something didn't go her way, or if she felt like Jetson was telling her anything but the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
He felt like he was testifying in court most of the time.

Jetson let all of that roll off his back that night. There was no point in traveling across the country just to have a bad time. He quickly acclimated - popping bottles and taking shot after shot amongst the group.

"I could get used to vibin' out here!" Kevin, Kayla's boyfriend, shouted over the music. "The bitches in here are vicious. I'm talking straight -"

"Ay bro, chill out." Duncan gave his friend a knowing look. "Kayla ain't too far. If she hears your ass, she'll burn this bitch down and ruin the entire night."

Kevin flagged him. "Man, I'm here to have a good time. She knew better than to take a Philly nigga to Vegas. These bitches don't look nothin like those hoes at Delilah's."

Jetson shook his head with a laugh as he baby-sat his umpteenth drink. The liquor was catching up to him, causing him to slow down just a tad bit. He still wanted to walk at the end of the night.
He had to agree with Kevin, though. The women were looking exceptional, but he knew better than to stare too long at any of the eyes that were watching him first.

That was, until he came across a pair that looked incredibly familiar.

Duncan whistled. "Goddddamnnn! Who is that?"
It was like the entire club paused in order to get a glimpse of the train of bad bitches that split the crowd into two as they stepped through. One after another, all decked in jet black and white diamonds. Their gait was so magnetic, you almost didn't want to look away.

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