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Jhonny arrived in Tokyo a day after receiving the green light. According to Haru, the board was in his favor, and after the official vote, he would be in a much better position to promise Jhonny his piece of the pie.

The idea of being a subordinate to the Japanese man wasn't ideally what he wanted, but he knew how to play the game. The old man wouldn't last too much longer in this business. Jhonny would play nice for now, but his goal was grander than any could imagine. He wanted power that exceeded delegating drugs; power over all things lucrative in the black market.

It may have been a bit overzealous, but he believed in going big or going home.
If everything went as planned, he would be seeking a new home. Most likely in Japan for now, so he could be close to the Dragon Family estate. He didn't know how Isis would feel knowing that he would soon reign over her family's cartel, essentially snatching her seat.

Tsk tsk. If only she'd decided to stand by him, she could suck the fruit from this abundant tree he stumbled upon. But she'd chosen another life, absent of him. Absent of their love. Absent of all of his intentions to make her the light of his life, his wife, the mother of his child. All of that was gone.

Typically, he didn't fret over spilled milk. But losing was nowhere as slight as a clumsy cup of dairy. Losing Isis was like watching an avalanche destroy a home he'd been building with his bare hands.

He was trying his best to move on, but he was standing in the debris of heartbreak.

Jhonny shook her beautiful face out of his head as he stepped out of the elevator in the hotel lobby, spotting Haru immediately. The tall and slender man was dressed sharp as always, all black suit with his hair combed neatly. Jhonny was a lot more casual, but after a 16 hour flight, it was a miracle he knew how to put his head through the hole of his shirt. He had plans on taking a nap, but Haru called him as soon as he touched down.

"Where is Yuko?"

Those were the first words his business partner said to him, two strong eyebrows plunging into his forehead.

Jhonny narrowed his eyes for a moment.

"Oh. Isis. I don't know where her ass is at," he shrugged.

"I see that you don't have any control over her. You never know where she is or what she's doing. A man of great power -"

"I'm not in the mood for any of your wisdom, Gandhi. I'm not her fucking handler. And we broke up. So make this the last time you ask me about her."

Haru didn't look pleased by that answer, not that Jhonny gave a fuck. In fact, he left his ass standing there while he strolled over to the bar.

"Boss. Let me get an espresso martini," Jhonny ordered.

"An espresso martini?" Haru snickered, taking a seat after. "Further proves my theory about American men. Sassy."

"Whatever nigga. I just sat on a 16 hr flight and the first thing you ask me about is Isis. She's your peoples."

"Right now isn't the best time to be on the outs with her."

Jhonny blew air out of his nose, frustrated.
"Why is that?"

"Because we've hit a snag in the plans. The board is not willing to disregard Drago's bloodline, out of respect and his will. We need Yuko to agree to take a seat in order for them to overthrow Sachi."

"I told you I don't give a fuck about this royalty bullshit. I'm here to make money. If y'all niggas want to play musical chairs, then so be it. Just know, when all is done, I better have my end of the bargain." Jhonny shot Haru with a menacing glare.  "And if not...Isis won't be the only one missing."

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