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Chapter One
In the wind

"Where is she?"

"Nigga, who is she?" I snickered, drawing even more anger out of the man in front of me, "You gotta be more specific than that."

"Your little partner, Isis. We're going to take down everyone you're connected to, including her."

"I can't give you information I'm not sure of Detective...Young" I squinted at his name badge, "I've been in custody since midnight - the only whereabouts I know of are my own."

The detective I identified as Nunez circled the table, "Savage, you do understand that this time you aren't going anywhere. You were busted, hosting a sex party with multiple illegal, underage girls -"

"I was hosting a regular party, sir - I have no knowledge of the citizenship of any of the women at that party because I didn't invite them." I shrugged.

Nunez leveled with me, believing that our eye to eye would cause me to fold. I never folded.

"Savage, if you name your connects and those in your team you can shave off a lot of years. Don't be stupid here. You've been in business what, ten years?"

I didn't reply. I let them think the ball was in their court, when I really knew the truth. I glanced up at the clock on the wall - following the big hand as it landed on the twelve. I had been in custody since midnight, giving me hours to play back the events in my head in which I slipped up.

I was too focused on the main goal, that I completely disregarded the loose ends around me. Rookie shit. However I never cried over spilled milk - and that shit would be cleaned up one way or another.

"Fine, don't talk. I'd fucking jizz myself to see you in jail for the rest of your pathetic life." The hispanic detective spat.

I let a taunting smirk graze my face.

"You'd nut on yourself over another grown ass man? I ain't take you for the type but I don't judge."

He lunged towards me, playing big bad cop while the other stayed in deep thought. For some reason his focus was only on Isis, he could give a damn what they decided to do with me. He looked stressed, overwhelmed - as if he wasn't cut out for the type of work he had to deal with. I made a note to become familiar with him. The weak ones were always good to have on your side.

"Enough of the games, Savage. We have you on prostitution, sex trafficking, kidnapping and murder charges." Young finally hopped out of his thoughts.

"Now I murdered someone, y'all know more about me than I do."

"We sweeped your place, one of your 'girls' was dead in a private room. Strangled to death, I'm thinking you got a little upset and put her down when she didn't listen to you." Nunez conjured up.

Now a nigga was genuinely confused.

"I hope you gentleman had your fun, but my client stops talking now."

Right on time, my lawyer stepped through the doors - zipping the lips of the two detectives. I never personally asked for one, due to the fact that usually screamed guilty. But I wasn't stupid. My team was reaching out to those above me right as I sat in the gloomy four walls, cashing in the favors I collected over my extensive years in business.

I dipped my hand in every pot. Made sure I became friends with all those worth my while. One thing about the big boys, they partied just like the poor individuals they looked down upon - and they were the sickest at that. I'm talking judges, councilmen, prosecutors, and especially cops. They were the easiest to flip. Low pay and long hours wasn't the ideal life, and most of their mouths watered at the chance to go rogue. So I had no worries. Only a guilty man sweats.

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