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It all felt like a dream. The news coverage. The phone call. The hospital hallways stretching further and further as Isis sobbed uncontrollably, rushing to find Jetson's room. Only to find an empty room at the end of the hall.

Everything around her was foggy. She was trapped in purgatory, forever doomed to feel pain and suffering. She would never be happy. It all made sense now. She was paying for her sins and her parents' sins.  

She felt empty inside. How was she going to make it without Jetson? How was she going to have her baby, without him by her side? She didn't want to live life without him. It just wasn't fair.

"Isis...Isis. Wake up, sweetie."

Isis stirred in her sleep. The soft hand shaking her made her eyes flutter open. Suddenly, she was conscious. She looked around to see Jetson's family, praying and talking amongst one another. It was hour six of being in the waiting room.

"It's getting late. You should go back to Jetson's to get some rest," his mom said with a tired smile. Her eyes were bloodshot red. She'd been crying in prayer.

Isis sat up.
"I can't. Not until I know he's ok," she said, wiping her dry eyes.

"The doctor said he'll be in surgery for a few more hours. We're all just playing the waiting game. All this stress can't be good for the baby."

The baby. Isis placed her hand over her growing bump. Just two days ago, Jetson noticed that her tummy had a pudge that wasn't there before. Then he insisted they go to Target to look at strollers, as if she was going into labor the next day. If Jetson was there, he would agree with his mom.

"Ok," Isis agreed. "But I'm only going to take a nap and freshen up. Then I'll be right back. Please call me if anything changes."

"I will."

She grabbed her purse and headed out of the emergency room. Although she was now awake, everything still felt like a dream. Better yet, a nightmare. She cursed the universe and its personal vendetta against her.

She rubbed her heavy eyes as she exited through the double doors. It was late, the day had come and went, leaving the parking lot in darkness. She couldn't even remember where she parked Jetson's car. As she headed towards the visitors lot, she witnessed a familiar woman walking briskly towards the entrance.

She was in tears and panicked, just as Isis had been earlier that evening. When she caught Isis staring, the woman's expression turned cold. She stormed towards her. Isis could finally see her clearly when a street light shined against her face. It was coo-coo ass Kimmy.

Isis narrowed her eyes.
"Why the hell are you here?"

"I came to see Jetson. He needs me by his side."

"No, he doesn't. You actually need to stay far away from him. He told me all about your so-called plan to blackmail him. Why the fuck would he want to see you when he first opened his eyes?"

"Because he loves me. He knows that I'm the one for him, not some project trash. I was never going to blackmail him, I just wanted him to realize he's making a big mistake. You're just with him because I had him first. Just like I had Jhonny first."

Isis tilted her head at the deranged woman. She couldn't even take her seriously. It actually amazed Isis that they had something in common, even if it was just their taste in men.

"I don't know you, nor do I care about you to ever want to hop on the same dick that you do. But if I were you, I'd be upset too if my man got taken twice by a bitch like me. A bitch you will never be. Good luck getting into that room, his family knows who he wants," Isis said, deciding not to waste any more time with his crazy ex.

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