P1-the new student

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Y/n pov

It was morning at 8:00am as I came to school and it was my first day here as I was coming in I just bumped into a guy

Jungkook: ahhh girl don't you know how to see and walk properly
Y/n : sorry I didn't meant it I am sorry
Jungkook: huh?? sorry?? First of all I never saw you .....really after being such a bully I never knew a student like you exists here
Y/n : umm , I am a new student here
Jungkook: uh huh that's why (says with a smirk)

(Y/n tried to avoid him as she was about to walk ahead but he held her wrist)

Jungkook: you bumped into me and let me tell you that you stepped on my shoes so don't even dare to go ahead now without cleaning them

(Y/n sighed , as he already mentioned that he is a bully she took a handkerchief and wiped his shoes and went forward )

Jungkook to himself: seriously?? How a girl came ignore talking to me ?? whatever

(The bell rang)
Jungkook didn't wanted to get late to class so he went inside and took his seat

(Teacher enters in the class)

The teacher: good morning class , today we are having a new student who came here from Busan so let's greet her to our class and her name is Choi y/n ...he said as y/n walked into the class

Jungkook pov:
When I heard from the teacher that a new student came I just gave a chill look as definitely what to me my only work is to bully but just that I noticed she is the same girl to whom I bumped in morning

The teacher: ohk so y/n you can go and take a seat there (he says while pointing at the seat just next to Jungkook)

You went and sat on the seat as jungkook was looking at you

Jungkook: hii new little punk
Y/n: uhmm h-hii
Jungkook: I didn't knew you are in my class only , now it's gonna be more fun (says with a smirk)

Y/n: I did n-nothing to you just don't bully me
Jungkook: huh??? You think bullies bully to someone by thinking who they are?? If you think so then you are wrong

Y/n just listened to him and said nothing as she was speechless

Jungkook: whatever, no hello no hi just direct talk ...I guess as I am your classmate you should ask who I am and like you should know my name atleast (says sarcastically)
Y/n : fine then what's your name
Jungkook: my name is Jeon Jungkook
Y/n : good and my name is Choi y/n
Jungkook: and what if I call you lizard
Y/n: huh?? What?? Seriously??
Jungkook: this name suits on you , trust me
Y/n : call me y/n or just don't call me (says win stern voice)
Jungkook: uh huh , this much attitude?? I got so scared ( in dramatic voice )
Y/n : yeah so don't ruin my name , my name is very nice like this only
(Jungkook chuckled)
Jungkook: I will see you after class , don't worry

Y/n ignored him as she starts to focus on the lecture

To be continued..........

Hope you enjoyed this part , this story will be quite big and I hope it's going to be better than my last one


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