p19 cute love

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Jungkook: you might be tired now let's sleep okie ?

Y/n : hmm fine

Jungkook pov :

I hugged her tightly while she slept putting her head on my chest and definitely every moment with her feels like the definition of heaven, he ruffles her hairs softly and sleeps while admiring her beautiful face

*Skip to morning*

I woke up and I saw her still sleeping in my embrace like a little kid as I chuckled on her sleepy face and pecked her forehead... I quickly pretend to sleep as I saw her eyes flickering and then she opened her eyes

Y/n pov :

He was the person at whom my eyes fell first as the last night flashes back in my mind while blushing and I was admiring his beautiful sleeping figure which looked very very cute and she traced her little finger over his cheeks

Jungkook: uh huh seems like someone is taking advantage of me while sleeping (says teasingly while his eyes were still closed)

Y/n: no I am not

(Jungkook opens his eyes and hovers on her as he starts kisses her lips)

Jungkook: good morning, lizard

(I chuckled listen to him)

Y/n: oh wow seems like monkey still remembers this name

Jungkook: ofc I do baby

Y/n : leave that....What about your work
Jungkook: me?I took leave for two weeks because I have some plans for both of us
Y/n: well, I took one week leave but ok no problem I will definitely extend it
Jungkook: good , wanna go out for dinner tonight
Y/n: uhmm,yes I guess
Jungkook: okk then let's do it first let's do our morning routine, wanna shower together baby?

Y/n : uhmmm okk , fine (says while blushing)

Jungkook picks her up and takes her to the bathroom and he turned on the water while he kissed her in running shower and she kisses him back

Jungkook pov :
After kissing her in shower I turned on the bathtub so that it can get filled and we were enjoying in shower then after that I made her lay down in the bath tub as I was washing her beautiful long hairs

Jungkook: how does it fell baby?
Y/n: well, really good

I chuckled at her response and washed her hairs then we both got out and got into our clothes as we got ready then I went with her down to eat breakfast as the maid served it , so I made her sit on the table

Jungkook: I will feed you
Y/n : I have hands to eat
Jungkook: I know you have still I will eat with you only , you will feed me and I will feed you
Y/n: you are really very romantic
Jungkook: what can I do baby I am crazy for you now and I want to show all my love to you
Y/n : ofc dear no one is stopping you

Then I was feeding her and she was feeding me and we both ate

Jungkook: well my lizard , I have something for you let's eat something sweet too
Y/n: may I know what is it

Then I went in kitchen and brought Ice cream for her as I know it that she is a big ice cream lover and ice cream is her favourite desert

Jungkook: here it is
Y/n : wohoooo ice cream (says happily)
Jungkook: yeah yeah I know you love I but I won't let you eat it like this only
Y/n: then how? (Says with a pout)

I smirked a little as I put the ice cream in her mouth then kiss her while sucking her lips with ice cream and her lip's taste was blending with the ice cream as we finished the ice cream this way

Y/n : well , you just spiced up the taste of my ice cream monkey
Jungkook: but nothing can beat your taste for me , do you know

(Y/n blushes)

Y/n : yeah jungkook shut up

I chuckled at her cute reaction and I started sucking her neck to listen to her moans as I was enjoying them after leaving marks on her neck

To be continued......

Guys please vote for the story , see you guys soon!

UNEXPECTED BEAUTY OF LOVE |jungkook ff 21+|Where stories live. Discover now