p-8 first make out

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This part is having dark romance smut so read at your own risk

Jungkook: baby I was saying are you free now
Y/n: I am baby , why?
Jungkook: uhmmm wanna come with me to my home
Y/n: your home? Your parents won't be there
Jungkook: nah not at this time lizard

Y/n: fine then let's go

You both went at his house and as you reached he pinned you from the wall and kisses you roughly while biting both of your lips .....You kissed him back and your tongues are dancing with each other

After breaking the kiss he picked you up in bridal style in his arms and places you on the couch and kneels down

He puts your panties down and ups your skirt and he starts to run your pussy by his hand

Y/n blushes at his actions as she spoke : ahmm jungkook

Jungkook: shhhh don't speak princess let me do my work

He slides his two fingers inside you and starts moving them deep inside

Y/n: ahhh jungkook I am going to cum

Jungkook: cum for me princess I am waiting

Y/n leaves her orgasm as she cums all over his fingers and he licked it and starts fucking her with his tongue and you became a moaning mess in pleasure

Jungkook leaves you after sometime and puts on your panties

Jungkook: how was it babygirl
Y/n : hmm, I enjoyed you

Jungkook chuckles at you

Jungkook: but be aware of this that you will come to beg me for being fucked up soon baby

Y/n: and why will I do so?

Jungkook smirks as he spoke: that you will get to know later baby

Then you went from his house after some chats and reached to your home your parents were out and you were alone as you felt a different kind of sensation at at your core and you pressed your thighs together in pain as you hissed

Y/n: ahmmm what's wrong

Your whole face got red by pain and you realised it was sensation of a vibrator or something and you suddenly remembered what jungkook said that you are going to beg him to fuck you and he put a vibrator in your pussy while he entered his fingers inside you

Y/n in mind: how dare he to do anything like this now I am not even able to walk properly I guess I have no further choice left instead of begging him to fuck me hard

Y/n took her phone and calls jungkook

Jungkook pov

I was sitting while waiting for her to call me as I knew it will cause her problem because I put a vibrator in her and she will  beg me now indirectly I am trying to bullying her a little by teasing her here as definitely I am a bully I know she is my girlfriend but habbit is a habbit which never vanishes...now I was in my thoughts only when I heard my phone ringing and it was none other then my lizard who is calling me

(On call)

Jungkook: hello baby
         Y/n: hello baby? First tell me what the fuck you just did
Jungkook: what happened? (He said innocently like he did nothing)
       Y/n : just don't play this fucking game with me I know it nicely that you put a vibrator inside mere and now I can't even control the pain it is causing
Jungkook: awww princess...Is it so (says teasingly)
        Y/n : yeah jungkook what the fuck you just mean by that I need you right now I can't control this fucking pain it's giving such a strong sensation inside me
Jungkook: alright,I am coming lizard

Skip to sometime later

Jungkook came to your house as you opened the door

Jungkook: you called me (he says while smirking as he can definitely see your face red like a cherry and we you were pressing you thighs together

Y/n : stop testing my patience jungkook

Jungkook carried you in a bridal style as he took you with him to the bedroom and he throws you on the bed

Jungkook: beg for me baby
Y/n: jungkook I am begging you please fuck me hard (says with pleading eyes)

It was all to make him on as he undressed you and squeezes your breasts harshly and he took one of your nipples in his mouth and sucks it while bitting and did same with another one too while rubbing the first

Y/n: ahmmm jungkook make it quick please

Jungkook just hummed in response as he continues to cup your breasts in his both hands as his hands were bigger as compared to your breasts

Finally he slides down to your pussy and he undressed himself while his member standing straight for you

He puts his dick inside you without a warning and starts moving inside you while thrusting you deep , before going in he took out the vibrator by inside you

Y/n : ahhh jungkookk

You were moaning continuously like mess in front of him while he was doing it and you were enjoying the moment of him inside you

After sometime he pulled out of you and as he cums and you cummed too...you both were breathing heavily by thing that just happened

Jungkook makes you on your knees and puts his dick inside your mouth as he starts moving inside you in while pushing his whole length in your mouth

He was fucking your mouth and throat while choking you then he let's his cock come out of your mouth and lied beside you

Jungkook: so you enjoyed it , didn't you?
Y/n : to be very honest I definitely did

Jungkook chuckles: I need to go now but your parents can come here anytime right

Y/n : bye love I will see you soon

(Jungkook leaves from there)


To be continued.....

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