P15- y/n's finance

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(y/n said nothing and then went by there in her car as jungkook went in his car and starts crying)

(At y/n's house)

Y/n pov
After changing into my comfortable clothes I went back into my room and sat there as I started crying as now I have to leave all thoughts of jungkook for sure because I will get wedded to someone else...I was in my thoughts when my mother came there and knocks on the door

(She quickly wipes her tears and gains back her composure as she went to open the door)

Her mom : dear, have you eaten there
Y/n : yes mom I did
Her mom : fine then I wanted to say that tomorrow your finance will come to see you ok so ne ready
Y/n : hmm fine , can I get to know something about him right now
Her mom: not right now sweety , tomorrow you can ask him whatever you want
Y/n : okk mom
Her mom : but I had to ask something from you now
Y/n : what is it
Her mom : I really don't want to hurt your heart and it's feelings so I am just asking you once do you love any guy?if you do them we have time and I won't force you to marry the one whom I chose ....I will cancel this marriage because we have the time now

(Y/n stayed silent for a while ....yes definitely there is someone she loved a lot but now that someone left her and she isn't intrested to turn back)

Y/n: no mom I am happy with your choice and I will marry the one whom you chose without any problem
Her mom : good girl then go and sleep
Y/n : good night mom I love you

(She went to sleep)

(Skip to morning)

Y/n pov
I was getting ready as my mom told me yesterday that my finance is coming to see me

Y/n's outfit:

(She came down and sat on the couch as her mom came and told her that he might be coming in a few time as the doorbell rang my mother went and opened the door as she came inside

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(She came down and sat on the couch as her mom came and told her that he might be coming in a few time as the doorbell rang my mother went and opened the door as she came inside .....the guy whom she was going to get married came with his mom and one more guy and y/n was completely shocked as she saw that guy )

Yeah the guy who came with finance was none other than jungkook and she was wondering what was his relationship with jungkook

??: hello ...you are Kang y/n right (in a polite voice)

(Introduction: he is Jeon suho and he is elder brother of jungkook...he is the one who will get married to y/n)

Y/n: umm yes it's me , who are you?
Suho: nice to meet you my name is Jeon suho and this is my brother Jeon Jungkook (says while pointing at jungkook)

(Y/n looked at jungkook as his gaze was lowered)

Jungkook in mind : I can't even believe the girl whom I loved this much is going to marry my brother and she will become my sister in law and It really hurts me a lot

Y/n : okkk , nice to meet you suho
His mom : I guess we should give them time to talk nicely with each other

(Y/n and suho went in garden to talk with each other in a silent place)

Suho : so y/n what do you think about me should we say a yes to this wedding?
Y/n: umm I guess yeah like we can.....

(Suho looks with her)

Suho: what happened?are you sad regarding to this wedding
Y/n : no I am just hesitating a little...I am agreed

(Suho smiles at her )

Suho : ok , it's good then , well you know you are really very pretty and gorgeous
Y/n : I am glad you think so , you are good looking too
Suho : yeah thanks so shall we go and tell oit parents we have agreed for the wedding
Y/n : well yes we can

(They both came back as they told there parents that they have agreed after talking a little )

Jungkook pov

I was listening everything and really I just wanted to cry that the girl whom I love is coming in my house in form of bride but I won't be her groom ...... I just want to say it's all my fault and I am the one who is responsible for loosing her

To be continued.....

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