p20 dinner date

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Jungkook: yeah ok baby now say after tomorrow is our flight so get suitcase packed
Y/n: flight for what
Jungkook: for honeymoon
Y/n : seriously?where (she got curious)
Jungkook: to switzerland

(Y/n starts to jump in happiness and hugs him tightly)

Y/n: you know kookie I am so so so excited

(Jungkook chuckles at her cute reaction)

Jungkook: sure baby calm down

(Skip to evening)

Both of them had to get on a date

Y/n pov
I was getting ready for the party while choosing the dress which I wanted to wear and definitely I was very very excited for going to the party and then I got ready after selecting the dress that I wanted to wear

Y/n's outfit:

After getting ready I went out and sat wating for jungkook and he was wearing a black suit in which he looked damn sexy and hot and she was noticing him admiring her

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After getting ready I went out and sat wating for jungkook and he was wearing a black suit in which he looked damn sexy and hot and she was noticing him admiring her

Jungkook: uh huh, isn't my babygirl looking way too much sexy??

I blushed hard hearing him

Jungkook I am feeling shy stop that

(He chuckles)

Jungkook: can we cancel our plans and go to bedroom
Y/n: no!!!I wore this dress by choosing this much to go (pouts)

Jungkook: fine baby calm down I am kidding

Then we both went to the party and there I went and sat with him at the rooftop for a candle light dinner and he booked the rooftop so that no one will interrupt both of them

Jungkook: what you want to eat lizard?
Y/n: uhmm I guess taebokki and gimbap , will you eat it too
Jungkook: hmm I will eat and what about beverage do you want or dessert
Y/n: it will get a lot of food then
Jungkook: so what baby , have a strong appetite if I carried you in my arms now your wait is going to be nothing in my arms and this is our first date after wedding there must be a lot of food

(Chuckles listening to him)

Y/n: yeah yeah sure we will order a lot of food as you say now calm down
Jungkook: good now order

(Y/n ordered cold coffee for both of them and cheesecake in dessert after they eat their meal)

Y/n: should I give the order monkey are you sure you don't want to choose your meal at your own choice
Jungkook: nah love , my favourite meal is you not any food so go and order your food and I will eat in it only

(Y/n blushes)

Y/n: you are really very very flirty kookie
Jungkook: your love made me so what can I do
Y/n: oh, I am happy to know if it's so

(She called the waiter and gave the order as they both were waiting for their food to come , first came there beverage, then main course and dessert in last)

After their dinner they came back to house as they both changed into their comfortable clothes

Jungkook: I am tired
Y/n: oh, so you won't take your favourite meal?
Jungkook: huh?what are you talking about
Y/n: nah love my favourite meal is you only (imitates him)

(Jungkook blushes)

Y/n: wow seems like a shy person like me finally made someone blush
Jungkook: yeah you did , well I am not that tired I can always get turned on for you do you want to do it?
Y/n: uh huh I was just saying like this baby I am really tired let me sleep

(Jungkook pouts cutely)

Jungkook: okie then sleep (says while pouting )

Y/n kissed his pouty lips and turned at another side as she closed her eyes while jungkook just chuckled at her while back hugging her and wraps his leg around he tiny waist

To be continued.....

I will upload tomorrow one more part don't worry I went at someone's funeral in my family at village for two days that's why I wasn't able to post

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