P3- Third person

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Jungkook sighed and slept....he woke up in morning next day and got ready for school and he went ....as he went he just bullied a few kids in hallway and went in class and the teacher wasn't there and I also didn't came till then as taehyung and jungkook were there

Taehyung : hello kookie
Jungkook: I guess I want to tell you something
Taehyung: what
Jungkook: maybe yes I like her a little
Taehyung : huh??really??
Jungkook: I guess I am calling for y/n ...I don't know why but I have a crush on her not a huge one
Taehyung: go propose to her
Jungkook: ahhh no I am not going to propose her now ....I fell for her, she didn't so first I need to attract her towards me
Taehyung: you seriously think a girl will reject you?
Jungkook: I guess she can , I am not sure
Taehyung: ahhh fine take your time
Jungkook: take your time? Bro tell me how to impress her naaaa
Taehyung: you think I can tell it?? I am not having any girlfriend that I can help you out with what a girl likes , you can ask that jimin If you want to ...he flirts a lot maybe he knows
Jungkook: fine I will ask him

(You entered the class and taehyung shakes jungkook a little when she came)
Taehyung : go your first sight love came (whispers in his ears)

(Jungkook blushes a little and came to you )

Y/n pov
I was arranging my books on table as I saw jungkook came near me

Jungkook pov
She was arranging her books and I came to her but really I just don't know how to start any conversation here...I was having no idea so I just took her books and starts running to tease her

Y/n : yeah you donkey give my book here!!
Jungkook: noooo I won't give it , try to take it if you can
Y/n : I won't leave you I swear!
Jungkook: first catch me lizard then we will talk about leaving

(Y/n starts running behind him and tries to catch him for getting her book as her leg got stuck with bench and she was about to fall )

Jungkook noticed it and held her hand and they both were staring into each others eyes but y/n decides to break the eye contact and speak ahead

Y/n : leave me jungkook!! My back is aching

(Jungkook suddenly left your hand and you fell down)

Y/n : ouch! Why you left me like this little punk!
Jungkook: you only told me to leave you so I left you (says teasingly)

(Y/n stood up and rolled her eyes at her )

Jungkook: awwe lizard are you rolling eyes at me??
Y/n : just keep your mouth shut

(The teacher came in the class and they both went on there seat and after class they went in cafeteria)

Y/n went in cafeteria and took her food and went from there as a bully was looking at her

(Not only bully but he is a bully , his name is hyunjin and he is also a bully from another class who is an enemy of jungkook and they both hate each other as hyunjin saw you he just smirked a little and came towards you)

Hyunjin : hello , beautiful one
Y/n : umm hiii who are you
Hyunjin: well , you can call me yours (says with a smirk)
Y/n : huh? What?
Hyunjin: wanna go out with me
Y/n : I don't even know who you are
Hyunjin: you will know that don't worry just come at the nearby cafe of our school today , I will wait for you

(Y/n just looked at him being confused and agreed to come )

Jungkook pov
I came in to get my lunch and what I saw was that y/n was talking with that hyunjin I felt a little jealous while seeing her talking to my enemy and as the talk ended I approached to her

Jungkook: yeah lizard, what were you talking about from him huh
Y/n : I don't even know his name he just came to me and told me to meet him at the nearby cafe
Jungkook: and what did you say?
Y/n: I said yes
Jungkook : you don't even know that who he is and you said yes
Y/n : he is just a high school student what will he do
Jungkook: urghhhh god , you are so innocent
Y/n : what's wrong with you ??why you are getting awkward
Jungkook:  uhmm nothing, I was just telling
Y/n : it's ok

(Jungkook leaves from there)

He came to the place where V and Jimin were and he had to talk with them

Jungkook: guys that hyunjin is my biggest enemy , he will take my love too
Jimin : why what happened
Jungkook: he called y/n at nearby cafe and he wants her to meet him and definitely he will tell her to be his girlfriend, that fucking playboy
Taehyung: calm down jungkook, it's not necessary that she will accept him only
Jungkook: I want to go there too , me you and jimin will go there and keep an eye there
Jimin : guys our jungkook is mad in love now for a girl and he wants to go and see her crush (says playfully)
Jungkook: you both will go with me and that's it
Jimin : yeah we will

To be continued........

Yeah here we are with the third person of this story....the story is just starting now don't worry 💜🤗

Trust me this story will be long and a good one .....I will try my best to give it a better try than my pervious one

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