p-18 smut

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(they both reached back to house after there wedding and they went in front of his mansion , definitely a mansion because he is very rich )

Jungkook opens the door for y/n to come and out of car as he held y/n's hand so that she can walk properly as she was wearing a heavy dress)

Y/n : jungkook, I missed you
Jungkook: I missed you too my love and I really thought it was going to be out end but our fortune was lucky enough and I am really very happy  to have you back in my life and I will make sure that I won't give you any chance to complain this time

(Y/n suddenly bursts in tears and hugged jungkook tightly)

Y/n : you know I was so so so hurt last time when you broke up with me it completely shattered me off and made me cry a lot

(Jungkook parts her head from her behind)

Jungkook: don't worry love now you don't need to worry for loosing me as I will make sure not to give you a chance to complain this time

He suddenly kissed y/n while pulling her closer by her nape and he broke the kiss as he says

I need you right now

(Y/n nodded her head giving him permission to do what he wanted)

Jungkook pov :
I let out a smirk as I help her to remove her gown then she was finally standing naked in front of me and I took a moment to look and appreciate the beautiful body she got and the beautiful curves on it as I picked her up and layed her down at the bed while I started sucking her neck making marks on it to mark her as mine then I traced my kisses to her cleavage then on belly making marks all along then it was her on top of me

Y/n : now my turn baby

I was enjoying it when she was sucking my body and I was a complete moaning mess in pleasure while enjoying the way she is kissing me and her hands roaming over my sns which can tell it that she obviously likes them and admire them a lot

Jungkook: that's it babygirl enjoy your hands over my abs as much as you want I make them for you and they are all yours

(Y/n blushes a little while listening to him as she leaves his body with marks and his neck too)

Then I again hovered on her and started rubbing her clit with my fingers as I was over stimulating her Little pussy and once as she cummed I entered my tongue inside as I started sucking her clit along while she was moaning and her moans are definitely like a melodious music for me which gives me a lot satisfaction

Finally after it I entered inside her in a go without giving her any warning

Y/n : ahmmm jungkook

I just smirked once at her condition and starts to thrust deeply inside her and kept pushing my whole length inside her body which made her a moaning and crying mess

Y/n pov :

It was just best thing ever for me to enjoy his moment while it was giving me a lot of pleasure and happiness while he was inside me and I kept moaning to show it

(After 45 minutes)

Y/n : mhmmmm jungkook please stop I can't handle more

Definitely I was begging him now to stop ... yes I didn't wanted him to but my lower body was getting numb and sore as well

Jungkook: patience Baby let me do it just a little more

Y/n: uhmmm please I am getting sore

As he finally heard me after 10 minutes more and pulled out of me while my cum was dropping from my pussy so he helped me to clean Myself

Jungkook: suck my cock before ending  it now (he says while holding his length straight)

I took his cock in my mouth and starts to suck on it while he starts pushing his length inside my mouth more like he was fucking my throat as he made me choke and pulled his cock out

To be continued........

I hope it was good enough.... please tell me in comments if it was because I am not that good in writing smuts...also make sure to vote the part now bye I will upload next part tomorrow only
I was busy yesterday

UNEXPECTED BEAUTY OF LOVE |jungkook ff 21+|Where stories live. Discover now