P2 - freindship

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(the bell rang and class overs and it was sports period)

(The students went out of class and as y/n went out jungkook comes in her way again )

Jungkook: where are you going lizard?? Lizard walks on the walls right?? Are you a new species of lizard??

Y/n : yeah jungkook!!should I call you a donkey then?

Jungkook: aren't you saying to much , donkey and me???
Y/n : well no offense but you look like a donkey only
Jungkook: how dare you huh (pulls your hairs a little )
(Y/n pushes him) : I will complain the teacher if you came to annoy me again
Jungkook: calm down lizard, wanna be freinds
Y/n : hmm ok
Jungkook: let me tell you I am your freind doesn't means that I won't bully you
Y/n : shut up
Jungkook: no I wont btw do you know how to play , lizard ??
Y/n : yes ofc!
Jungkook: how a lizard can play , oh my gosh
Y/n : if you said this again I will chop your tongue
Jungkook: whatever, which game you play
Y/n : basketball
Jungkook: then you will loose from me , no one can defeat me in basketball
Y/n : don't worry donkey , I can do that
(Jungkook rolls his eyes)
Wanna have a match then??
Y/n : sure why not
(The both reached to ground and collected students for playing)

The match starts as jungkook came and tried to take the ball from y/n's hand ...she fell because of his leg and he fell too on her as he stared in her eyes while no teacher was there

Y/n pov

I was trying that he won't be able to take the ball from my hands when he just fell down on me and we both stared in each others eyes for almost 5 seconds but after it the realisation hits me and I pushed him and went away with the ball

(In last Jungkook won the game but he didn't know that he won the game but started to lose his heart)

(After the match )
Jungkook: I told you lizard that I am better
Y/n : shut up donkey, your team was having better players than my team just that's why this happened
Jungkook: what an excuse maker you are
Y/n : it's a bitter truth (she was taking her bottle to drink water as she was thirsty but jungkook took her bottle and threw all the water on floor)
Y/n : yeah !! Jungkook I am so thirsty why you did it
Jungkook: you were calling me donekh huh , now stay thirsty only and don't mess with me lizard
Y/n : yes you are a donkey , now what will I drink
Jungkook: nothing, stay thirsty

(After the whole school ends jungkook was walking with his freinds )

(Name of his freinds : taehyung , jimin , Suga , j hope , namjoon, Jin)

Jimin : guys, you saw that new girl who came into our class , isn't she pretty
Jungkook: yeah yeah that's the only thing you do right? Admiring girls all the time
Jimin : I was just saying
Taehyung: whatever, isn't jungkook being so so so close with that girl (says teasingly)
Jungkook: I am just teasing her and bullying her
Suga : what about when we were playing basketball, that eye contact
Jungkook: stop overthinking guys , it's just like that
Jimin : well she is pretty , imagine if you both came in relationship
Jungkook: keep imagining it because nothing like that is going to happen, she is just my freind

Namjoon: wowwww so a normal girl who came and you always use to bully new students instead of it you made her your friend
Taehyung: it's a first sight love I guess
(Jungkook blushes a little): shut up it's not like that and if you said anything now taehyung then I will kill you

(They all went)

Jungkook went to his home and went on his bed and he laid down while thinking about something deeply

To himself: am I falling for her? But why ? My friends never shipped me with any girl till today and it's first time ...is it a crush???

To be continued........

Stay tuned guys many things are waiting further in the story👀

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