P22 - their honeymoon

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Y/n: I am so sorry jungkook, to get scared and all right there
Jungkook: cmon my princess it's completely fine , now don't focus over that bitch and tomorrow we have to go for our honeymoon so better focus on that
Y/n: ok love

(They both hugged each other and slept)

(Skip to morning)

It was 8:30 am and they both had there flight at 1:00 pm.....

Jungkook woke up while y/n was still sleeping

(He was admiring his wife's cute face happily as he pecked her cheeks)

Jungkook mumbles to himself: my love , I can admire your beauty for hours without feeling any hesitation you are my addiction

(He then tries to wake y/n up as she was changing her postions)

Jungkook: y/nahhh wakeup we will miss our flight if you won't wake up now
Y/n: leave it naa we will go to the flight tomorrow (she said in a sleepy tone)

(Jungkook gives her a done look)

Jungkook: seriously are you fucking kidding me
Y/n: I don't know let me sleep peacefully

Jungkook: wake up babygirl or otherwise I will punish you (says with a smirk)

(Y/n quickly gets up)

Y/n: yeah jungkook I am awake
Jungkook: very good then let's get ready

(They both went and did there morning routine and came back after it)

Jungkook: have you packed everything?
Y/n: yeah I have done it
Jungkook: good baby afterall we will enjoy there for two weeks (says with a smirk)

(Y/n blushes)

Y/n: stop saying like that jungkook
Jungkook: I am just reminding you about the main fun we are going to have there love

(Then they both went in there flight and broaded to Paris as they landed there around 5:00 pm as they took keys of there room and went inside)

(Y/n starts jumping on bed to make check on the softness of the mattress)

Jungkook starts laughing while watching her

Jungkook: yeah lizard you are really a kid
Y/n: I am just checking how soft the mattress is what's wrong in it
Jungkook: don't worry we will identify how soft it is tonight

(Y/n blushes)

Y/n: stop flirting with me like that

Jungkook: no I will , I enjoy
Y/n: still you can't now shut up

Then they both stop lied down on bed to rest a little

Jungkook: ok so baby where you want to go ?any plans in your little curios mind?
Y/n: umm to Aquatic museum, disneyland, Eiffel tower, choclate house I guess (says in one go )

(Jungkook chuckles)

Jungkook: breathe my lizard breathe don't pressurize your small lungs that much
Y/n: I am just answering the thing which you asked to me monkey
Jungkook: fine

(Skip to 2 hours)

They both were feeling way lazy enough to go for eating food si they ordered there dinner un the bedroom and got it as they both are the dinner while y/n went out for sometime at the balcony taking her time to admire the moon a little , jungkook came and wraps his hands around her tiny waist at the time

Jungkook: where you are like at my love
Y/n: looking at the moon , isn't it pretty
Jungkook: moon is pretty but my moon is the prettiest (says while snuggling his face at her neck)

(Y/n blushes)

Y/n: you always have new and own ways to make me blush you know and I never fed up by them
Jungkook: I am glad to hear it my love , now let's come and do our main work
Y/n: what is it

Jungkook: cmon my love stop being innocent
Y/n: may I know what will you do
Jungkook: first of all I will kiss you and then trail my kisses to your neck marking your body as mine then I will rip off these shitty clothes and kiss your whole body then eat that sweet pussy of yours then I will put you on my face , then cock and pleasure you a little while making fun...was this explanation enough?baby? let's go on the practical now

(Then he took y/n in his arms and smashes her from bed as he did what he said , first kissing her lips then tracing the kisses down to her neck and then he ripped off her clothes and opened his clothes as well , then he goes down near her pussy as he starts over simulating her to make her cum and after that he fingers her while she was completely wet and then he sucks her pussy and eats her cum feeling her warmth at his toungue)

Jungkook: make yourself ready for my cock baby

(Y/n adjusts herself)

Y/n: hmm I am ready

Jungkook thrusts his whole length inside her in one go as he starts pounding his dick inside her while making her moaning mess and after making her cum once he stopped right for sole time inside her to feel her warmth

Y/n: ahhh jungkook
Jungkook: cmon baby you have to cum four time more now while I pleasure you and if you won't then I will torture that small pussy of yours a little
Y/n: huh?four times more?
Jungkook: yes baby

Then he starts fucking while pounding inside her continuously as she comes , once , twice,thrice and then the fourth time as well within the time he was pleasuring himself

Jungkook:good girl
Y/n saya nothing as she was panting

Jungkook: aww baby sorry I just loose my control whenever I see your body now let's sleep ok
Y/n : yeh fine

(Then jungkook helps her to clean herself then he makes her wear his t shirt and sleeps with her as she was hugging him tightly like a teddy bear)


I guess yes I will later continue this ff by making it's season 2 in which we I will show another things in there life and the problems will be related to this season but the next season will be uploaded after I complete taehyung's ff ......so stay tuned

Love you all

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