p-7 problems

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After reaching home jungkook messaged you

Him: hello baby , where are you at

   You: definitely at my house

Him: I am missing you

            You : oh is it so??what can I do

Him: can we call now?my love

          You : okk baby

(They both were talking on call and after talking they both cuts the call and jungkook slept after keeping his phone)

(Skip to next day)

In school it was lecture of biology and all the teachers entered in class as the kids greeted her and the teacher starts

Teacher : okk so students for today I have an information for all of you and it is that there is a science exhibition in our school and your class is having biology in all three subject so now I am going to make pairs of each to students for it

(Then the teacher starts as she made the pairs and your pair was with hyunjin)

(Now as you and hyunjin were parteners you both had to work together for the exhibition as he came and sat near you)

Hyunjin : hello y/n (says with a smirk)
Y/n : yes ,what
Hyunjin : so now we are pairs so what about our venture
Y/n  : yeah I will see that
Hyunjin : no no y/n today I will come at your house and we are going to discuss about the project ok??
Y/n : ughhh fine
Hyunjin : good ,so give me your number and address

(As teacher made pair of you both you had to do what he was saying as it was needed ....so you gave him your number and address after that he says)

Hyunjin : okk so see you at evening at your house then baby (says with a smirk)

(Hyunjin leaves from there leaving you in a sigh as you were irritated by his actions and all)

(After school ends)

(Jungkook came to meet you as he met you)

Jungkook: you are paired up with that hyunjin right ???
Y/n : Yes the teacher did btw jungkook I noticed that you aren't in the exhibition why?

Jungkook: nothing baby , just I am busy with some things that's why I am not able to take part in this exhibition as I am going somewhere out
Y/n : oh ok
Jungkook: y/n I had to ask you something
Y/n : yeah say it
Jungkook: just tell me if we had to get parted for sometime and we will get deattacthed ...we will be in a relationship but I won't be with you but still you are going to be only girl whom I will love so are you going to accept me in that type of situation
Y/n : If you are getting away by me because of a reason and you are still going to love me then definitely I am going to love you always baby
(Jungkook smiles)
He spoke: that's what I wanted to hear my love I love you
Y/n : I love you too but why you asked this question
Jungkook: no I mean I will go out for 2-3 months to USA because of my dad's work then I will come back
Y/n : ohkkk but you will talk with me online a little right
Jungkook: yes baby ofc I will don't worry
Y/n : then ok

To be continued......

UNEXPECTED BEAUTY OF LOVE |jungkook ff 21+|Where stories live. Discover now