P17- flashback

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flashback before 1 week:

Jungkook went in a room as he started crying and his brother came in that room while he saw jungkook crying badly

Suho : what's wrong jungkook?why are you crying?
Jungkook: h-hyung I love her and I m-miss her

(Suho was looking at him being confused)

Suho : you love who? what's wrong
Jungkook: I love y/n

(Then he told his brother all the story of his past how they met , their relationship and how they got separated from each other)

Suho was listening to him very patient definitely as his brother he can understand what is going in his heart and how much it will hurt him when he will see the girl he love as his sister in law so he said to him

Don't worry I will manage something for you both to get together

Jungkook looked at him being shocked by what his brother just said he was confused and shocked both

Huh? hyung but you both have planned on your wedding how is it possible

(Suho chuckles)

I told you it can be done right so just trust me and I will do it for you ....you both will get together at the end and it's my promise to you As I don't want to hurt feelings of my younger brother

(Jungkook had trust on his brother's words as he agreed to him hoping that definitely he will do something)

Now just plan on what you will say to win her heart while you both will get wedded and leave the rest of the things at me

(His brother went from there and he went from there to his mother)

Him : mom I guess I need to talk about something from you

His mother : what is it

Him : I don't want to marry y/n

His mother was looking at him being confused

His mother : you both agreed with decision of your marriage right then why are you denying it

Suho: but mom she is Jungkook 's lover and jungkook loves her also you know....

(Suho told his mother about the love and relationship between y/n and suho and his mother was listening to him very carefully)

Mom they both love each other , let them marry

His mother : how will you do it ? Do you think his ex will agree with this statement if we tell her or request her to marry jungkook?

(Suho was having a plan in his mind as he says)

Mom say to y/n's mom on wedding day before wedding that I love any other girl and I won't marry y/n then tell her only way they can't disappoint the guests is if they make y/n marry my little brother instead of me and then y/n won't know about the groom until she will reach on the stage ....once after she will be there then she will also care about not bringing down her family's figure in front of everyone and then she can marry jungkook and I will tell jungkook to convince her as nicely as he can so that they can live a life full of love and there will in future

His mother: well to be honest we can do it and it's really a perfect idea so let's hope everything will go accordingly

(On the day of wedding jungkook 's mom said it to y/n's mom like how suho told her to say)

Y/n's mom : how???mam you should have known this that your son loves anyone else how will my daughter react on knowing another groom of hers
His mom : yeah but we can't loose respect in front of everyone here and I am sorry for whatever is happening here and I accept that it's my son's fault but ar will explain all the things to her at the end and don't worry jungkook is a good person like suho as well ...y/n won't have any problem with him and they can stay together happily

(After listening this her mother agreed to point of jungkook's mother and as both her sons were hardworking with gold personality she trusted this that jungkook can also be a good person for y/n)

(A/n : not good it's best for her lol )

And after this was the flashback of how both of them got together at the end and now they are going to start a beautiful story of there love which is going to be very exciting for all of us

(Flashback ends)

To be continued......

Please vote my story and I hope you loved the concept behind there wedding

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