P6- accepted

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You took hyunjin support and stopped jungkook and he was looking at you unbelievably

Y/n : jungkook, stop this here!!!
Jungkook: huh?? Y-you are saying it

(You dragged hyunjin by holding his wrist away)

Y/n : why you both were fighting
Hyunjin : we were fighting??he started it

(y/n said nothing and left from there and hyunjin came again to meet her after the school overs and comes in her way)

Hyunjin: hello y/n (says with smirk)
Y/n : what happened??
Hyunjin : I love you , wanna be my girlfriend
Y/n : be your girlfriend?? No
Hyunjin : I am so handsome why are you resting baby you will have fun with me on bed and I can make you hotter
Y/n : stop it hyunjin what shut are you saying
Hyunjin : this is the truth baby , wanna be in relationship with me now
Y/n :  obviously not
Hyunjin: see y/n I always get the things I want either by hook or by crook and if you are going to reject me then I will get you forcefully so better don't push it too far and agree
Y/n: I said that I am not interested can't you understand
Hyunjin : fine you won't understand like this so I need to try another way

(He called his freinds and they came and they held you tightly while bullying and teasing you a little)

Hyunjin : so say it now, will you agree or you will keep doing so
Y/n : leave me hyunjin or I will complain about you to the teacher

(He slaps you)

Y/n : awww will you?? You really think I will get scared by this shitty threat of yours

(You started crying and jungkook was going on from there and he saw hyunjin and his freinds bullying you ....he wanted to save you but he remembers what happened in the lunch but no matter he loved you and the word love was the thing making him crazy for you and he wanted you)

Jungkook came there and held hyunjin by collar

Jungkook: why are you annoying her huh
Hyunjin : you are no one to speak in between or interrupt so just go away

(Jungkook death glared at his freinds who were holding you as his freinds left your arms as they were scared of jungkook and his teammates)

Hyunjin groans in frustration and slapped jungkook harshly and jungkook slammed him from wall as they both started a fight there

(Y/n held jungkook's hand and started crying at his shoulder that makes jungkook stop right at the stop)

Jungkook: shhhhh lizard don't cry I am fine and he won't annoy or disturb you again

(Jungkook dragged you out of there)

Y/n : jungkook , I accept your proposal

Jungkook was completely in shock and he was still thinking what you just said and his mind was stuck in your words as a smile appears on his face

Jungkook: so I won your heart? Did I?
Y/n : you did
(jungkook pulls you into a kiss)

Jungkook: I promise you I won't leave you my love and you will be my priority always and you mean a lot to me
Y/n: I love you to Jungkook
(Jungkook pecks at your forehead)

Jungkook: thanks to accept me lizard
Y/n : yeah jungkook stop calling me that

(Jungkook laughs)

Jungkook: no I am never going to stop calling you that
Y/n : btw that's all you will do after dating

(Jungkook looks at you )

Jungkook: you want to do it??
Y/n: yeah no I didn't meant that (says while blushing)
Jungkook: then what do you mean baby??
Y/n : I meant that going to date and having fun also many more things

(Jungkook chuckled)

Jungkook: yeah yeah okkk sure I will wait for you to tell me when you want to do it baby girl....wanna go somewhere then

Y/n: well, I stay at hostel I can come whenever I want but what about you
Jungkook: don't worry about me Babu my parents won't say anything
Y/n : p-parents??
Jungkook: ofc parents why what happened

Y/n : nothing I lost mine at age of 10
Jungkook: what but how
Y/n : i-in accident
Jungkook: oo sorry to mention this then if you can come come to meet me today at xxx restuarant and we will do dinner , can you come
Y/n : okkk byeee Baby
Jungkook: bye my princess but wait
Y/n : yes what
Jungkook: may I get your number

Y/n : oh yeah I just forgot to give you my number donkey

(You spoke your number and he saved it as  "sweetheart💗" in his phone and you saved his number as "love♥️")

To be continued.......

There are still many more things in this ff so don't think nothing is left

Stay tuned

Many more things will come here

UNEXPECTED BEAUTY OF LOVE |jungkook ff 21+|Where stories live. Discover now