P-9 Distance

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Jungkook went by there to his house while he was out he saw some cars at outside of his house and they were quite recognised by him, as he went inside he saw his relatives and he was shocked by seeing them suddenly and his aunt told him that they need to take his father out for his treatment and he will also go there with them

Jungkook pov :

As I heard it that my father is not well I rushed to him and went near him and started crying while he was unconscious and I was completely hurted by seeing him in that type of condition

Jungkook : a-appa are you fine
His aunt: the treatment for his cancer won't be here becuase it's second last stage we need to take him out somewhere else and Jungkook you need to come with us too

Jungkook : w-what

His aunt: yes, don't worry we will try our best for his treatment

(at this time he was completely worried for his father's treatment as he would be an orphan if something happened to him becuase his mother passed out when he was a nine year old child in a car accident)

(2 days later)

It was day for his dad's operation and Jungkook was at hospital while they took his dad inside the OT for his operation and they came to USA to get best facilities as his dad was CEO of a well known company and he belonged to a rich family there won't be any financial problems

(at y/N's side)

Y/N pov :

Jungkook never picked up my call during these 2 days and he didn't replied to my message also he was absent in university and it made me tensed a little about what's wrong with him that he is not coming to school... I decided to ask frok his freinds once that why isn't he coming so I went to jimin

Y/N : hii jimin
Jimin : hello y/n what happened
Y/N: Jungkook is getting absent regularly these days do you know what's wrong with him

(Jimin was Jungkook's close and trusted freind so definitely he knew about your relationship with Jungkook and also he talked with Jungkook and knows what's the reason for why he isn't here but he hesitates a little to tell it to you as he wondered if you would get tensed)

Jimin : actually his dad a a little bit sick that's why he is on leave for a week
Y/n : oh fine

(his voice was proud enough so she didn't doubted on what he said and accepted but t once it comes in her mind that why didn't he told this to me that his dad is not well and he didn't even received her call but nevermind it's fine maybe he is busy)

(on Jungkook 's side)

After the operation while he cried hard all the time the doctor came out

Doctor : the operation is successful but it will have some permanent consequences and he will have many problem

(his dad got toungue cancer)

Doctor continues....

We can't give him food which needs chewing and need to give him food in form of liquid and semi liquid also he will have some problems in speaking and for three years I don't think he can open his mouth so we need to give him food In mouth by pipes here only

(Jungkook was hurted by getting to know in which condition his dad needs to survive further but he wasn't having any choice ahead all he can do is do just stay happy enough that finally his dad can still survive)

(skip to the night)

(it was said and decided that as Jungkook was only child of his parents he needs to stay with him to take his care and he will stay for it in USA for whole three years instead of going back until his dad is admitted in hospital)

(in night you again called him and this time he picked your call)

Jungkook : hello my lizard
Y/N : Jungkook, how is your dad? Is he fine now

(Jungkook was quite amused for a while thinking how you got to know about situation when he told you nothing)

Jungkook : why, who told you
Y/N: I asked it from your freinds so how is he
Jungkook: actually fine but becuase I don't have my mother I will stay here at USA near my aunt with him and from here we will get his treatment but the thing is that baby I will stay here for 3  months so don't miss me and whenever I will be free I will call you or text you to talk with you, ok?
Y/N : ofc, I understand your situation don't panic everything will ne fine
Jungkook: yeah I hope so, now I need to go byeee
Y/N : Bye donkey, I love you
Jungkook : yeah yeah I love you too

To be continued.....

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