P5- proposal

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(after sometime hyunjin went ,as he goes jungkook holds y/n's wrist and brings her in a corner....his eyes were dark with anger and annoyance as he stares into her eyes and there wasn't anyone at the place where they both were standing and he pins her from a wall)

Jungkook: we both were alone right what was the need to ask him to join
Y/n: jungkook calm down he just came so I let him sit nearby what's wrong
Jungkook: what's wrong? Let me tell you when you went out that day then I was there too I could have also  came and joined you both but I didn't right
Y/n : you didn't asked me but did and why are you saying like this
Jungkook: I am saying like this because I love you and I want you I know I am soon to say this but its the fucking first time that I am not bullying a new student and I am trying to get closer to them and you are asking me why I am saying like this to be honest I am really having feelings for you and I want you so badly y/n please accept me I promise to do my best for you and I will care for you as much as I can

(She was completely silent by his words and her mind wasn't even able to process anything while she was just thinking what he says and what happened now and she had no reply)

Y/n : y-you love me?
Jungkook: I do y/n , I love you so much and I want to be with you
Y/n : ju-jungkook I seriously need time to say yes how can I say it so fast

(Jungkook hears her and his heart broken to know that what he thought wasn't the truth only he fell in love but she didn't and she is indirectly rejecting him , he just can't accept this truth as he smiled forcefully)

Jungkook: sure I guess you are right I was the one who is so fast , but I wanted to say something
Y/n : what is it
Jungkook: y/n , if you want to reject me then you can I won't mind but please don't ruin our friendship later because of this reason I request you
Y/n : yeah I won't
(She went from there)

Jungkook was sitting silently and he was feeling like a regret

Jungkook in mind :

(Everything was fine till now and she was coming closer to me and we both would no each other very nicely but all of these things will ruin just because of  me now , what should I say I shouldn't have done that and I should have waited , I can't even believe that someone indirectly rejected me)

Y/n went from there to her home and sat silently as she was just thinking what should she say to him yes or no

(Skip to next day)

Y/n came to class and this time she didn't say closer to Jungkook and went on another seat and when she went hyunjin went and sat next to her)

Jungkook pov :
The reality hits  me that I actually lost everything, if I should waited a little then she would fall for me but no I made a hurry and I think my friendship with her will be ruined too

(In lunch break)

Y/n wanted to avoid both jungkook and hyunjin for a while she was completely done

(Hyunjin comes to her and sits next to her)

Hyunjin: hii pretty one
Y/n : umm, hello hyunjin

(Hyunjin and y/n were talking casually and jungkook came there and his heart shattered into pieces...he just thought that y/n is trying to take advantage of his proposal now he wasn't able to tolerate as he went to hyunjin and punched his face hard)

Hyunjin : yeah you brat what's wrong with you
Jungkook: I just gave you the thing you deserve, everyone knows your nature of tricking girls and leaving them after benefit and you can't put her in your trap

Y/n tried to stop both of them but they both weren't taking the name to stop and were fighting now y/n decides to take side of any one for them and end this here only

To be continued....

Don't worry still everything in the story is left
Whose side will she take now ..hyunjin or jungkook is the biggest question

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