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Everywhere I went, there was a car following me, parked in front of every the building I went in.

The protection Adam promised me, Julian's men.

But those cars also told me another thing. Jayden wasn't dead yet, otherwise I wouldn't need all this protection.

So I knew Adam was expecting me when I walked into Julian's old mansion.

The house was filled with people, it was as if he located everyone to London, except those who were constantly trailing me.

As soon as I walked in, all the chatter stopped. Some people didn't know who I was, they never met me but the ones who did, immediately told the new guys I was Julian's sister.

Baby Hayes.

Everywhere I looked, there were people. Fuck I didn't even realize how big this business became since I left.

"Where's Adam?" I asked to no one in particular.

"He's in the kitchen" Peter, one of the oldest people in Julian's circle said. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, just need to talk to Adam" I smiled. He was always nice to me - felt like a dad sometimes.

Kept Julian in line as well.

"So, Adam took over?" I asked as he walked with me to the kitchen. "He did" Peter nodded.

"Is he doing a good job?" I asked. "He actually is doing a good job yeah" Peter nodded.

I was happy about that - I trusted Adam.

I walked in the kitchen, Adam was leaning against the counter - clearly expecting me.

"Nova" he looked at me. "How are you holding up?"

"Not good" I nodded at some people, gesturing for them to leave the kitchen. They just looked at me with raised eyebrows.

Okay this always worked when Julian did this.

"You better get out, she's Julian's sister" Adam told them and they immediately left.

"Many people in here" I said. He just shrugged his shoulders. "Not that much, there are still men in Italy, Paris and obviously..-"


He nodded. "Monaco obviously, protecting you and Piper"

I didn't realize Piper also had people following her, but it was only normal - she was pregnant with his child.

"Did you know she's pregnant?" I asked. He didn't even need to answer, his face immediately dropped. "No? Is it..-"

"It's Julian's yes" I nodded.

We both went quiet for a while.

"Why is Jayden still alive?"

Adam sighed. "Because we can't find the motherfucker"

"You have hundreds of men, how the fuck can you not find him?" I raised my voice. I just didn't get it.

What was taking them so long?

"Yeah" Adam chuckled. "The world is a big place Nova"

"Then search harder, you're making a fool out of Julian" I said annoyed.

"What the fuck do you think we are doing? We don't sleep Nova, we are looking all day and night for the guy that accidentally killed Julian" he threw his glass against the wall, looking me straight in the eyes. "Because Julian wanted to protect you!"

I bit my lip, guess I deserved that.

Adam was doing everything he could and I was blaming him while we should be working together.

"Why didn't you shoot him in the head?" I asked softly.

Something I thought a lot about. Why did he shoot Jayden in the leg when he killed my brother?

"Because Julian told me to" he sighed, he obviously regretted that now.

"When? Before you guys walked in?"

He nodded. "We expected that Jayden might do something stupid, didn't expect him to actually try and kill you though"

"And even when you saw he shot Julian, you decided to shoot him in the leg" I frowned and I saw he got a little offended.

"Yeah Nova, it's not like I had minutes to think about it" he raised his voice as well. "It was a reflex, Julian always told us to shoot in legs or arms"

I could see he regretted it, I could see that was the reason why he couldn't sleep at night.

He spend all his time trying to catch Jayden, didn't even have time to mourn the death of his friend.

"Thanks though" I said softly. "For always being Julian's right hand"

"I wish I could've saved him" he turned his head to me.

"Me too"

Hooked - part 2Where stories live. Discover now