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Gilliane Glover sat watching her two children play with each other, Cregan was six, and her only daughter Alana who was three

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Gilliane Glover sat watching her two children play with each other, Cregan was six, and her only daughter Alana who was three. She hadn't heard her lord husband come into the chamber, but she heard his loud footsteps and loud breathing. "Husband." Gilliane turned her eyes away from her two children.

"Wife." Lord Rickon nodded, sitting on a chair next to her. He was holding a cup of ale, it was only thing besides the fire and layers of furs that would keep you warm in the North. Gilliane also noticed he was holding a letter, the symbol had three dragon heads indicating it was from the Kings Landing.

"What is that?" She asked, nodding her head towards the letter.

"A letter." He spoke gruffly, sipping from his ale. He glanced at his children, Cregan and Alana. "From the King." He held out the letter for her to take.

Gilliane nodded, and softly grabbed the letter before reading it. Her eyebrows furrowed with each word that the King wrote. "A betrothal?" She looked up at Rickon, who scratched his beard.

Gilliane felt the anger boil up in her, she closed her eyes and opened them back up, looking at young Cregan. "Cregan, will you bring your sister out the room?"

Cregan nodded, and urged his sister to follow him, glancing at the adults one last time before stepping out and closing the door.

Gilliane placed the letter on a nearby table, "you will reject it won't you?" she stood up from the creeky wooden chair.

"I will not." Rickon's heavy voice spoke out, his northern accent sounding off his tongue.

"Why? She is our only daughter." Gilliane questioned sharply, looking down at the man.

"I will not deny the King." The man spoke, sipping from his ale again.

"Not deny the King? Your King's health is failing, we both saw it at Helaena's name day, not even a moon ago!"

Lord Rickon looked up at his wife, she had never spoken to him like this before.

Gilliane was furious, the thought of her only daughter being sent hundreds of miles away, surrounded by dragons made her see red. "She is our only daughter! She will be surrounded by dragons her whole life! No! I deny it!" Gilliane shook her head.

Rickon stood up, slamming his cup of ale on the table the liquid spilling over. "Your words are treason my lady wife. This will happen" the large man sighed before grabbing her shoulders softly. "I will not deny the request, as much as I would like too..Aye, she will be surrounded by dragons most of her life..but she is a wolf and will always be."

Gilliane nodded before resting her hands on his gloved hands that was resting on her shoulders. "She
will grow up to be a smart young woman hopefully she won't inherit your sharp tongue of yours." Rickon chuckled, before taking his hands back.

"Aye." Gilliane nodded, playing with her rings on her fingers. "She will be fine...."


uhm anyways this is so bad 😭 i was literally writing this right before bed...

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