I find her interesting

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Everyone didn't seem surprised and Aurora looked at all and wondered how their friendship was.

"Your turn Melanie"stated Raymond,

She was upset about Mateo but didn't show it and just spun the bottle around which landed at Aurora.

Melanie smiled at the girl,

"Twirl around for five minute"she ordered,

Aurora glared at the girl not liking the game,

"Can't do it?"Melanie smirked,

"You can't back down on the game young teacher"Isaac whispered to her,

Peter looked at the Melanie girl with distaste,

"She can't do it,I will"Peter stated glaring at Melanie,

"You can't do such thing"Melanie didn't seem pleased,

"There isn't a rule I can't"Peter stated glaring more at the girl who threw glares back.

He got up and twirl around with everyone giggling,

Soon he sat back and Aurora couldn't help but felt happy that he stood up for her.

"Thank you"she whispered,

She was next and had to spin the bottle.

She did and it landed on Raymond,

She pondered on what to ask the boy,

"Are you into illegal stuffs?"she asked,something that was stuck in her head for long.

The boy paused before smiling,

"Everyone is"he stated,

Aurora's eye widened not expecting his reply,

"I'm just joking"he laughed,

She stared at him feeling a little relax,

"It my turn"the boy smiled before tossing the bottle and it went to Mateo.

The boy smiled,Mateo had been quiet since and sat close to Aurora after offering to teach her the game just to get her involved.

"Kiss the most interesting person here"he said with a smirk,

Everyone gazed at Mateo whose face held boredom before getting closer to Aurora and pecked her on her cheek.

Aurora felt her face turn pink,everyone's eye widened.

She turned to Mateo who didn't seem to care much,

Her heart beat faster and she felt she could hear the race.

"You are the most interesting person here to me"Mateo stated before tossing his bottle.

No one had expected him to pick Aurora,

Isaac couldn't help but be thrilled,he smiled widely seeing the situation.

Everyone couldn't focus like usual again and the game continued before Aurora could find a way to excuse herself from there.

"Mateo what your deal with her?"peter threw him daggers,

"Nothing,can't I have an interest in someone"Mateo commented,

"Is it because you guys think she is special?"peter questioned,

"No"Mateo gave a small reply before turning to his book.

Everyone didn't say a word to him and Peter was still upset knowing how Mateo was bad news even though they were friends,he wouldn't want anything to happen to his cousin and he wasn't the right person for her.

Meanwhile Aurora stared at the mirror,she touched her cheek as the kiss replayed in her head.

"Why did he do that?!"she questioned,

She knew she couldn't possibly get in a relationship with Mateo cause he was a student and she was a teacher,something prohibited and against all rules.

She washed her face shaking off every thought about him from her head.

Running in the dark,Aurora held tight her gown,like she had gone back in 80s.

She didn't know what chased her and just held her long gown running entering the woods when suddenly she felt a strong masculine hand drew her close.

Before she could look up to see the person,her eyes opened wide.

Aurora touched her forehead,she wasn't covered in sweats like usual.

Aurora didn't have any nightmares since she came to Morsvil and now the nightmares came but this time they were different,like something or someone had come for her rescue.

It was in the middle of night,first time in a long time she had woken up in the middle of the night.

She had thought her insomnia was coming to an end yet here she was awake but this time a little glad cause her dream was indifferent now.

She got up and went downstairs,craving snacks.

Aurora got to the kitchen when suddenly she felt a shadow pass,

She looked up and saw no one,

"Why are you awake?"

Aurora startled and looked to see Peter,

"What?"she looked and saw he was in a causal outfit and wore shoes,like he had gone out or something.

"Where did you go to?"she asked suspicious,

"I just went out for some fresh air"Peter offered her a warm smile.

"What about you?"he asked,

"Can't sleep"she sighed,

Peter knew about her insomnia,

The young man smiled at her,

"Want to watch a movie?"he asked trying to cheer her.

"Sure,let me just grab the snacks"she replied and took the snacks she had came for with extras for Peter.

Aurora and Peter sat in the living room as both enjoyed an horror movie with Aurora getting shaken every now and then.

Peter couldn't help but laugh at his cousin,

"You never change"he couldn't contain his laughter remembering how she used to be so scared watching horror movies and till now she was.

"Who would think the amazing young teacher was scared of horror movies?"he teased,

"I can't be strong everywhere"she glared playfully

The next day,it was peacefully quiet until Aurora got to the cafeteria.

Everyone gathered around to watch a fight,the teachers were not present and went for a meeting that didn't include her with an excuse that she was new.

Aurora moved to the frontline of the crowd to see Mateo and a familiar boy,the Simon boy.

The were fighting,and the fight looked deadly.

Aurora didn't know what to do as the student all gathered around cheering for the fight.

She ran closer to them,

"Stop this right now!"she said at her highest tone,

When suddenly Mateo looked up at her,his lip bloody but the other boy seemed to be more harmed than him.

Simon threw a blow that almost landed at Aurora when Mateo took his hand,glaring at him,he turned his fist and broke his hand,showing off his strength.

Aurora stood dumbfounded,

Simon cried out in pain,holding his hand,

Mateo looked at Aurora and turned before leaving.

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