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"Mr Morgan will as always be their coach"

Aurora was confused,why would she be given the cheerleading coach when she didn't even know how to dance.

She had done sports in the past but never cheerleading.

"Mrs Gerald"

Someone from the crowd called,

Mrs Gerald turned to her,

It was the same teacher that didn't accept Aurora the other day.

"Miss Janet"

The woman looked at her through her thick glass,

The Janet lady seemed upset,

"I have always led the cheerleading squad"she stated before turning to Aurora with a glare.

"You did poorly last time miss Janet"the woman involved while touching her glass.

Janet face turned red,

"No complaints?"mrs Gerald turned to everyone and no one objected anymore.

The woman turned and left.

"You!"janet turned to Aurora.

Aurora already got up and ready to leave,

"You such a little brat that doesn't know her place"

The woman stormed to get ready to tear her apart.

"I wouldn't suggest you do that Janet"warned mr Parker from behind.
Aurora stood faced the woman terrified,

Most teachers had already left and few were presents.

The Janet woman turned to mr Parker before turning back to Aurora.

"I will teach you some manners soon"

The woman turned and left a shaken Aurora.

Aurora wasn't a coward but she didn't want to get into a fight and the woman looked more
scary at that moment.

Aurora stood amidst other girls,they were in their cheerleading outfit ready for practice.

"Didn't know they changed mrs Janet"a girl whispered to another.

She noticed Melanie was part of the cheerleading squad.

Aurora was entirely confused as she didn't even know what to do.

Melanie took note and understood,

The other girls already started whispering to themselves.

"You guys can start your moves"she informed knowing well she had to check out their steps and know if any mistakes were done.

Aurora looked at the other side of the field and saw Mateo and Peter.

Peter immediately waved at her,Mateo seemed upset.

They were also practicing,Peter had informed on how they had a big game coming up.

The game seemed intense,it was a game between final year students and they took it more serious.

The girls showed Aurora their steps and she took note on them.

Even though she didn't know anything about dance,she was able to to tell what they were doing wrong and help correct their steps.

"You can't stay in the front,you are not athletic enough and can easily fall Penelope that going to be on top"Aurora listed out,

The cheerleading captain,the girl came forward.

She was a finalist,

"You can't change the routine,it has always been like that"she said rudely,

The girl was probably a bimbo who thought she ruled the school,those so called queen bee.

"I didn't think you would want anything to happen to Penelope,right Diana?"aurora questioned the girl not allowing her step over her.

"Penny is fine and you have no jurisdiction to change our dance"the girl glared at her.

Everyone around looked,even the guys had noticed and most of them ran to listen to the fight.

Aurora rolled her eyes at the girl,

"I do,I can sway anything involving this dance"Aurora replied her,

She was sick of these students being disrespectful and she wondered why and how they were worse than her last school.

"Diana I don't want any more word from you or complaint,or else you will visit the headmistress,she would love to have you in her office"
Aurora stated with lot of sarcasm.

Diana turned red hearing her,she noticed the looks everyone gave her.

She glared at Aurora before going back to her position.

The Penelope girl walked up to Aurora later when she was seating in the field's bench.

"Can I join you?"the girl asked,

"Sure"Aurora nodded.

The girl took her seat,she was a sophomore.

"Thanks for having my back there,Diana is always tight and doesn't even care about us. Mrs janet usually let her have her way and she is probably upset they changed her"the girl informed,

Aurora nodded in acknowledgment while her eyes met another pair.

It was Mateo's,his eyes looked like he was contented with her making her wonder if it was what she did earlier with Diana.

He gave her a small smile before turning away.

"What are you staring at miss rora?"Penelope questioned,

"Nothing"Aurora replied immediately turning her gaze to the girl.

"Let's go and practice more"Aurora noticed the girl hadn't bought her words and was searching for whatever she was staring at.

She turned to Aurora and nodded before getting up,her suspicions was still there.

Aurora knew Mateo would be the end of her and she didn't look forward to it.

The day soon came to an end and Aurora was thankful no dramas except for the detention room where the kids there through tantrums but she was used to them and able to handle them better.

Aurora ran in the bushes,she didn't know what chased after her but she kept running before hearing a voice that sounded too familiar.

Opening her eyes,her face was covered in dreaded sweats.

She wiped her face off a little before getting up,she took her phone and saw the time was late and it was past 2 already.

She entered the bathroom and quietly washed her face before staring at her reflection in the mirror.

Her hair was messy due to the turning in her sleep.

Suddenly she heard a noise that startled her,it came from outside.

Aurora ran out and checked from her window and saw something move in the bushes.

She didn't know why but she felt like following whatever moved there.

It was late and everyone was probably sleeping,she ran downstairs and surprisingly the mansion's door was slightly opened.

Moving closer to the door,she immediately tiptoed outside glad no one saw her.

Aurora went to where the noise had come from and she didn't see anything,she looked around,outside her house by this time of the night,she had a strange eerie feeling.

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