Mom's origin

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"I could give you all your mom's informations when she was here in Morsvil"the woman offered,

"That would be great,thank you aunt"she was thankful she would get more information.

"Why are you always concerning yourself with irrelevant things"Vivian spoke from her side.

Aurora turned to her,she had noticed the weird looks the girl had been giving her since and now this.

"My mom's past is not irrelevant Vivian"she glared a little at the girl knowing how well she had been quiet with her.

"Behave Vivian"aunt Sarah scolded,

"She has a lot to say,her mouth's too full"Peter said with lot of sarcasm.

Vivian didn't reply and just glared at him before throwing those daggers at Aurora.

"That enough from all of you,Rora your mother has helped in lot of places and she was an incredible person here"aunt Sarah smiled remembering the past.

Aurora was glad her mom had been good in her years in Morsvil and many parts of her wanted
to get to know her mom better.

Aurora had always lived a peaceful life with her family,she didn't stay in her father's hometown neither her mom and all she knew where the basic things about her parents.

She did not know much about her mom's life growing nor her dads.

Aurora decided to visit the places her mom had worked first.

Standing outside the hospital where it had said in the photographs her mom was born.

She took a deep breath before entering the hospital.

The hospital was calm and less noisy,a few nurses were around and patients.

She walked to the nurse's counter,

"Good day"she greeted,

The nurse had a frown on,

"Dina"the woman had a strange look of denial on,

"You look so much like your mother"the nurse stated,

"You knew my mother?"Aurora eyes filled with questions.

"What's your name dear?"the nurse asked,

The nurse looked older and somehow around her mother's age.

"Aurora"she replied while staring at the woman.

"Let go"the woman smiled at her.

She left behind the counter and stepped out before turning to the hospital's corridors.

Aurora followed her immediately as her face filled with suspicions.

The nurse soon led her into an office.

Aurora stared around the place,

The woman had already settled in her seat.

"Seat"she stated to Aurora offering the chair opposite her.

While she looked relaxed behind the table.

Aurora sat facing the woman,

"I know you are curious on many things"the woman sighed,

Before she continued,

"Your grandfather will be glad to see you"the woman had a sad look of regret.

"My grandfather?"aurora brows furrowed more.

"Yes,I see your mother hasn't told you anything yet but here destiny has many plans"

"I delivered Dina when she was a baby"the woman stated,

Aurora almost laughed,cause this woman looked around her mother's age and yet she said she delivered her mother when she was a child.

"I know it hard to believe since you are clueless on your origin"

The woman turned and brought out a book from under the table,

"Here,read this"the book was big and looked heavy.

But when Aurora took the book,it seemed flat and less heavy.

"Visit the library and you will know more about Morsvil than what it seems Aurora"the woman smiled.

Aurora stared at the book,

She left the hospital in haste,she didn't know her mother had a mysterious life and aunt Sarah seemed clueless of it.

This woman seemed to be the person to know her mom better.

She sat on her bed while fidgeting through the book.

Opening the book,Aurora read through the words.

Aurora studied the book and it look more like a fantasy novel which was an interesting book.

It was about the devil and how he came to earth,she wondered why the church never taught on how the devil had a child nor did the Bible give out such information.

It was said in the book how the devil birthed a girl and turned humans into monsters called vampires.

Aurora closed the book not wanting to read more seeing it gave nothing out to her instead it was giving fantasy and magic.

She didn't believe in such nor has she seen such.

Aurora laid down on her bed with a long sigh seeing she still didn't know much on her mom and decided to visit more places the next day since clearly that nurse was acting weird and scary.

Looking around,Aurora frowned,was this another dream?

She stood in a graveyard,staring at how she was yet in her pajamas.

The graveyard was calm and eerie,soon she heard a loud sound from around.

She turned to see a woman standing in front of a graveyard in tears.

Her gown had blood stains all over it,the dress she wore looked like those from the 80s.

Aurora wondered if her dream had gone a wider range by taking her to the past.

Suddenly she heard some noise from around,

The woman couldn't see her making her relief and scared at the same time.

She saw two deranged men came in to the graveyard and one dragged the woman's hair who yanked in pain.

As her brown hair was being pulled,the other man opened his mouth and fangs appeared,his eye turned red.

Aurora gasped as the man sank his teeth in the woman's neck tearing her skin while drinking her blood.

He did so why the woman screamed in pain,tried pulling but they were stronger.

The other man soon left her hair and pulled her arms while also sinking his fangs in her skin.

They drank her blood leaving no single blood left in her body.

Threw her on the floor while touching the blood stain in their lips.

Aurora was scared as she had never came across such before.

The men soon left the place seeing no one there.

Aurora moved and gazed at the grave the woman was agonize with.

It read on the tomb,

Leah Parker

Aurora opened her eyes to a knock on the door.

She got up and opened to see Melanie.

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