His confession

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His friends present there had a look of boredom immediately,like everyone had always seen fights here.

Aurora didn't understand the system of the school and how students were so relaxed about deadly fights like these.

They could have killed themselves and no one looked like they care.

Aurora looked around and didn't see her cousin before her eye sighted Vivian and her clique.

Vivian threw daggers at her,making her wonder what she had done to the girl now

Later,Aurora stood in front of the clinic before seeing Jennifer,

"Standing there?come in"the girl gestured to her.

She offered her a warm smile and entered the clinic,

"Looking for my brother?"Jennifer asked,

Aurora thought if it was that obvious,

"He is inside"Jennifer informed the girl before leaving her side.

The clinic had various rooms making Aurora wonder how wealthy was the school's owner to have many rooms in the clinic.

All the classrooms were amazing and the texture of the building was good and it was perfectly built.

Aurora entered to see Mateo shirtless,

She stared at his hard chest and tousle,his abs and packs fluent themselves.

He really did work out a lot to gain this body.

"Youngster"he called her,his usual frown on his face.

His black dull eye stared at her,

She looked at his injury and saw the blood was wiped off and the injury had disappeared.

She frowned,

"What are you doing here?"he questioned,

"I...I came to check on you and thank you"

Suddenly Mateo stepped closer to her invading her space.

He stared at her eye as she turned to see no one else there.

Her heart beat faster,

"Your heart seem to race a lot"he smirked,

Aurora stared at him,

"What are you doing?"she whispered,

"I like you"he confessed making her eye widen,

"You can't,it prohibited"she said softly,

"So if you weren't a teacher,it would have been fine"he smiled at her,

She blushed hearing his words,

"I don't care about rules,they are there to be broken"

A bad boy who doesn't care about the rules

"I will pick you up at seven,I have a surprise for you"he stated and moved back from her.

When suddenly a nurse entered the room,

Mateo was already seated in his bed,

"I will leave now"Aurora left there immediately still feeling flustered.

She cared about the rules,she had never dated anyone before and no one had made her feel this way before.


"The headmistress wants to see you"stated the nurse,

Mateo looked with lazy eye,

He got up,wore his shirt and left there.

The nurse looked at his silhouette and sighed,

"This boy won't change"she murmured.

Mateo walked inside the school's premises,while arranging his ruffled hair.

He knocked on the headmistress door when he heard the voice from inside,

"Come in Mateo"the woman replied.

He entered to find her as always on her computer.

"Good day piper"he greeted,

"Mateo,seat"the headmistress looked at him through her glass.

He obliged,

"Why did you hurt that boy?"the woman seemed stressed,

"Don't worry yourself with insignificant things piper"he replied nonchalantly,

The woman sighed looking at Mateo,remembering back then how she had met him.

"Where do you think you are running to?"a bulky man with scuff beard asked the frightened woman.

Her blonde hair was longer,she looked scared and worried.

She had left her town and came to this town and now disgusting men are after her.

She indeed was a fine woman,her blonde hair and blue eyes made her fascinating that men easily swirl around her.

"Let me go!"she yelled at him,

Another man had joined him,both looked at her with lust in their eye.

Suddenly someone kicked one of the men from behind who leaped forward,

The other man turned to see a tall man with black lock of hair,his black eyes stared lazily at them.

"Who are you?"the man glared ready to attack this idiot trying to spoil their game.

But the man seemed to invade his attacks,the other man got up and joined his friend and both of them got beaten by the man.

"Let go"he said to the woman who stared.

"You broke your hand"the woman stated as both of them walked in the midst of the villagers.

"It alright,I love getting into fights"he stated,

"I'm piper"she introduced,

"Mateo"he replied,

Both of them didn't share their family's name.

"Why will a lady like yourself be alone?"he asked,

"Just running from my past"she replied with a smile.

"Anyways,be careful here woman"he stated before leaving her.

Piper stood staring at the man,indeed he was a fine man and if she had a daughter,he would be perfect for her.

Coming back to the present,she looked at the man who had saved her back then.

"Heard about the girl"she stated,

"She seems normal"he held a bored expression not wanting to get Aurora involved in their world.

"You seem to care"the headmistress held a suspicious look,

"When did you start caring about my love life piper?"he smirked,

The woman rolled her eye,

"Don't get involved with her"she warned,

"You know I love breaking rules"he smiled again before getting up.

"Simon will be alright,I have other things to take care of"he left her office.

The woman just stared at the door and sigh,many things to be taken care of and yet he was a case himself.

Aurora couldn't help but think of his words,what did he mean he wanted to take her somewhere?

She didn't see him in detention hoping he would get after his fight.

Soon Aurora got home and eagerly paced around her room.

She had a lot of thought on her head and didn't know what to do,

Suddenly something tapped on her window,

She was startled and ran there to find Mateo outside.

It was already seven and he was here and not late.

She frowned and ran downstairs,

Getting outside,his bike was already there with him resting on it.

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