Accustomed Exam

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"I should kill him?"Mateo asked confused,

The man pointed at the one who had screamed,

The men got up while holding their arms,ready to run when a big rope caught them and rolled three of them in it.

"Ah!please help us"they screamed for help.

The rope was tight and painful,the men were screaming in pain yet the man seemed to love the pain he inflected on them.

"I don't kill people"Mateo replied glancing at the men.

He was shocked on this mystery man's powers yet he didn't want to look like he was bothered.

"Nuisance"he flinch his fingers and fire blazed around the men burning them to death.

Mateo watched in astonishment,the men screamed in pain getting burnt.

Their ashes soon filled the place.

"Let's go kid"the man stated to Mateo.

Both of them walked in the forest,

"What are you?"Mateo asked curiously,

"I'm a vampire"the man stood still turning to Mateo,

"They are not real"Mateo rolled his eye,

The man smiled showing off his fangs,

Mateo just stared and didn't say a word,
his face looked indifferent,staring at his fangs.

Soon both of them sat in a small motel,

The man looked around staring at the women in their gowns.

"Fancy anyone here?"

"No"Mateo replied with a frown,

"What's your name?"Mateo had his focus on the man as the bartender turned wine in their glasses.

"Curious on my name fellow"

The man looked scary and anyone would be scared of him yet Mateo wasn't even seeing his true form.

"Orson"the man called,

"Mateo"Mateo introduced.

Both of them became close since then with the man always on his tail disturbing Mateo.

"That man is here mat"young Melanie announced seeing the scary man.

Mateo had already turned and frowned seeing Orson.

"Go and play with Isaac"

He was reading a book when the girl kept perching around him.

The girl was glad to get away from the man and ran from there immediately.

"Why are you here Orson?"Mateo seemed displeased yet the man didn't care.

"To take you hunting"he replied with a smile,

"I'm busy"Mateo faced his book.

Orson had thought him many sinful things which he didn't mind but he had to study for his upcoming exams.

"You are already smart,let's go"Orson yearned further to him like a child.

"Fine,will you stop coming here?"

"No"the short and stern answer he got.

Mateo sighed and rolled his eyes knowing well nothing will stop this man.

"Have you thought about my offer?"Orson asked as they walked further in the forest.

"I don't want to be a blood sucking creature"Mateo wasn't scared of vampires but didn't want to be one.

"I'm the only vampire in existence,do you think I'm not lonely,the witches are much and other creatures rather than I,a lonely old man"Orson sighed,

"Loneliness fits you,you can turn anyone but why me?"Mateo rolled his eyes.

"I have never tried turning anyone"Orson admitted,

Mateo glared at him,

He just admitted he wanted to use him as an experiment.

"I don't want to partake in your weird activities"Mateo retorted,

Orson chuckled always liking Mateo's humor.

"I found someone I like"Orson confessed,

"A woman you like"Mateo turned to him,

"Yes,she is a delicate flower and I can't seem to get her off my mind"

Mateo rolled his eye balls,

"Who is she?"he asked curiously knowing how this vampire only used women for his pleasure purpose yet he liked someone.

"She works in the library and I have met her most times"

"That must be lady Hilda"Mateo sighed,

"She is sweet but her family is strict,her father is an official".

"I was hoping to buy her family with money but seemed they well off"Orson frowned,

"You a crazy man"Mateo rolled his eyes,

"You know everyone and yet you isolate yourself"Orson smiled at Mateo.

"Your mother isn't yet back?"Orson continued,

"She will be back by night fall"Mateo replied.

He spent his day with Orson and despite the vampire's character,he did enjoy his company.

"Why do you keep spending time with that scary man Mat?"Melanie asked concerned,

His other friends were present,Isaac Raymond and his little sister Jennifer.

"I don't think people I spend time with is any of your business"his cold words hit the young girl and she frowned.

"Don't be mean to her,she just watching your back"Raymond stated.

"You all should put your focus on studying"Mateo stated and walked away from them.

"Mateo being Mateo"Isaac laughed humorously,

They were used to Mateo and accepted him knowing what he had been through.

Soon the exams came in,all the young girls and boys ran to the village hall to write the exam.

Officials and lord's children with some scholarship children were present in the hall.

"Good luck lady Melanie"Melanie smiled at her maid.

She had just stepped down from her carriage as well as other elite children.

Melanie wasn't poor and rather her father was a minister.

She met with her other friends there,

"Let's go in"she waved at Isaac and Raymond.

"Where is Genevieve?"she searched for the girl until her eyes caught her.

A red haired girl walked to them,

"Mateo isn't here yet?"she frowned,

"He will be here soon,he has prepared for this"Isaac replied the girl.

"Let's take our seats kids"Raymond smiled and walked forward leaving them behind.

"Mateo!"Genevieve turned seeing the boy,

"You are here"she was happy to see him.

"Yes,let's go in"Mateo walked inside.

Mateo wasn't playful and rather serious all time,
that he was nicknamed old fellow,people his age didn't act like him and he was rather different.

The exam was a tough one,the officials conducting the exams took it rather serious.

There wasn't any form of communication in the hall,

Mateo on the other end was focused on his paper,he drew more inks on his work while a cold frown was placed on his face.

"Isn't he the former lord's son?"an official whispered to another staring at Mateo.

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