Chapter 2 Paper

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   At lunch time I couldn't find anywhere to sit and Cady comes up to me and says "Hey those two people their names are Janis and Damian they said we can sit with them and they seem nice-" She was cut off by the one and only Regina George yelling "Hey redhead come over here" Cady looked at me and I shrugged and I looked at Janis and Damian and they were shaking their heads but Cady went over there anyways.

   I saw them talking and I decided to sit with Janis and Damian "Hi I'm Y/n I'm also new here" Damian and Janis shaked my hand and said "Hi I'm Janis and this is Damian, we are the exclusive club" I chuckle and nod and Cady joins and says "Hey they want me to sit with them tomorrow what should I do?" Janis and Damian look at each other and I look at Cady then turn to the Plastics and see all three of them not looking at Cady, Janis, or Damian just me.

   I turned away and looked between the four of us then Janis said "You should and try to get their secrets and maybe we can turn this school around" Damian hyped her up and Cady said "I don't know..." Damian pouted and said "Please?" Trying to fake some puppy dog eyes and Cady "Oh alright fine but I need a pink shirt" Damian said "You can borrow mine but it might be a little big" I looked at Cady and asked "Why do you need a pink shirt?" She responded back saying "Well they said that they wear pink on Wednesdays"

    I nodded being followed up and I continue eating and after lunch I went to my locker and noticed no one was in the halls and I heard giggling coming from the girls bathroom and I brushed it off and shut my locker and the giggling stopped and I turn towards the bathroom confused why it stopped and I saw the plastics come out and I turned back around imminently.

   I was about to take off walking but then I heard Regina say "Not so fast Newbie" I turned back around slowly and saw her smirking and Karen biting her lip with Gretchen drooling all over me I get a little nervous and I say "What?" She bent her finger signaling me to come towards them and I walked towards them slowly until I was a foot away from them "What do you want?" Karen says "Can I say it?!" she asks excidendly and Regina nods and Karen says "We want you to come over to my place after school!" Regina nudges her and she says "Sorry I mean Regina's house" I was confused and I said "Umm w-what time?" Gretchen then says "2:00 don't be late"

   I was even more confused "But we don't get out of school until 2:50?" Regina gets a bit closer to my face and says "I know I'll be waiting in my car skip class" I watch them walk away and a blush creeps to my cheeks and I worry a bit and head to class.

Words: 529

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