Chapter 20 Forgiveness. Finally...

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   After that night and the next day I stuck with my word and had sex with them in the noon. After that though in a few weeks we graduated and we all decided to live together in Regina's house. Regina's mom and dad didn't mind for the first part but then Regina's mom went mentally insane.

   So she gave us money her beach house and we moved out. We had a good laugh about it and her parent's got freaky and 2 years into college and we all got married and wow was our honeymoon 2 weeks I will NEVER forget.

    I became (Whatever career you want) And Karen became a nurse and Regina became a lawyer and Gretchen well she became a cop actually. I was shocked too.

   We did have one little girl named Emily we all loved her and she is 4 years old now and a blessing to us. Shane was sentenced to life in prison and his buddies were shorter sentences but still harsh ones.

  Then Cady became a teacher once me Janis, Damian, and Cady worked things out we kept in touch and Kanis became an DJ and she did art for a hobby and Damian he worked as a chef in some restaurants.

   They were all living good with Cady and Aaron being married just one year into college we attended and they had a great time and Damian has a boyfriend of 4 years and Janis is married to Kevin Gnapoor from the math letes that Cady went on the team with.

   But after everything in school I love my girls and I couldn't be more thankful to have them they are my everything and I'm very grateful. But it is true once a mean girl ALWAYS a mean girl...

The End! 

Btw I say this in the end of some of my stories like my Jade West x fem reader and Heathers x fem reader at the end and same here if you want if I get enough comments to convince me to do a sequel on my books I will add them to my list and my next story I will be doing is Tori Vega x fem reader and on my profile if you want to see a list of my next stories you can again thank you to everyone who is reading my stories and voting on them y'all really are truly awesome have a great day and week and month and so on! <3

Final Words: 418

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