Chapter 8 Crisps (Smut)

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   After school on a Friday I went home with Regina and the rest of the plastics besides Cady I was tired I had dark bags under my eyes it wasn't visible cause this morning Gretchen helped cover it up with makeup.

   I was now in there house they were in there room writing something in that pink book I wasn't allowed to look so she said for me to lay down on the bed which is what I'm doing right now. I looked at the collar I had on and looked at the words engraved that says "The Plastics Property" I was embarrassed to have to wear this around school.

   I was pulling my own hair with anxiety filling my whole body I haven't been home in 2 days I texted my parents saying it was because I had a project and I decided to sleepover at my friends place.

   I sat up and mumbled "Regina..." They all stopped what they were doing and Regina looked at me and said "Yes, pet?" I scratched the back of my hair and said "M-may I go home s-so I can t-take my pills?" Karen looked at Gretchen and Regina said "What kind of pills?" "Benzodiazepine" I said with a tired mumbled voice.

   Regina looked at me up and down and said "Fine." I got off the bed with tired feet and I walked out and I walked to my house which was 2 blocks down from Regina's house. I walked away and I entered my house and took off my collars and I saw my parents cooking and my mom said "Goodness gracious thought we weren't gonna see you again" She joked and kissed my cheek and my stepdad looked at me and said "Why'd you come back?" I glared at him and said "For my pills dumbass"

   My mom said "Y/n! Don't speak to your father like that!" I rolled my eyes and said "He's a hoe nothing more and that man will NEVER be my father!" I stomped to my room and grabbed all my pills and put them in my special bag for them.

   I then flipped off my stepdad and hugged my mom before exiting again. I smoked another cigarette right down to the butt and threw it away coughing. I made it back to Regina's mansion around 8 pm and I entered and headed to her room and I saw Gretchen and Karen fingering themselves and Regina talking dirty to them.

   I looked at them with my jaw dropped and Regina looked at me eyes with lust and said "You took long" I gulped and blushed then responded "Not long enough..." Regina bites her lip and comes towards me and closes her door and pushes me against the door and I say "H-h-hold on now-" and got cut off by her tongue getting shoved into my mouth.

   I push her away and say "R-regina if I don't take my p-pills I'll go crazy" Regina rolls her eyes and gets off me and I go into the bathroom and put my bag down and grab my pills and take one and swallow and Regina enters the bathroom with something in her hand and she undo's me pink blinged belt and she unbuttons my pants (Or skirt) and pulls off my underwear and I stare at her the whole time through the mirror.

   She then smirks and pushes a vibrator in me and I groan and she turns it on the highest setting and I moan really loud. I moan and lean back against her shoulder and she continues her cocky smirk and pushes it a bit further and I moan and whimper.

   Karen and Gretchen finish up and lick each other juices up. Regina then enters her fingers in my clit with the vibrator and I moan really and I mean really loud and Regina says "Karen come here" Karen walks over and Regina pushes her to her knees and shoves Karen's head in my pussy and Karen gets the idea cause she starts moving her tongue in and out and I moan louder this time.

   Then Gretchen goes over to Regina and says "Mommy can I do something?" Regina thinks for a bit and then says "Get Mommy's special strap" Gretchen nods and leaves for a minute and comes back with a 12 inch pink strap my jaw dropped and Regina puts it on and looks at Gretchen and says "Suck Mommy's cock" Gretchen nods fast and takes the strap in her mouth and Regina deep throats her.

   Earning a excruciating moan from Gretchen. She gags on the 12 inch fake dick and Karen eating me out with a vibrator at the highest setting that's a huge mess. We all came in the end besides Regina and that was an incredible night...

Words: 806

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