Chapter 12 A Pink Sunset

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   I was getting ready for me and Regina's date tonight and two groaning girls behind me begging for them to come with. "I told you two I would take you all on a special one next week" Gretchen groaned and rests her head on my shoulder. "That's too long!" she complained and I rolled my eyes thinking it was pointless.

   I got my suit (Or dress) on and decided not to wear my collar and I kissed Gretchen and Karen goodbye before knocking on Regina's door and I heard her say come in on the other side and I opened the door and she looked drop dead gorgeous.

   She has a long pink slowly yet tight dress and it had a fluffy bottom and a bow on each part where her nipples should be and a white shiny pearl necklace. Then her hair perfectly rested over her shoulder and her makeup so well done it was a face of perfection.

   "Hot damn Regina you look...stunning" Regina smirked and walked towards me swaying her hips and put her hands on my chest and said "You look ravishing as well darling" she says and puts a sloppy kiss on the side of my neck it may have been a sloppy kiss but her pink lipstick was smudged on there and Regina grinned and connected her arm with mine and we headed out the door.

   We went to a nice Italian restaurant and Regina looks at me with a smirk almost the whole time and we order a big spaghetti meal and we shared it and Regina would watch me as I occasionally slurped up a noodle that would have fallen out of my mouth and left sauce around my mouth and Regina sighed.

   Regina got a napkin and leaned over the table and wiped off the sauce and I blush. Regina then says "Your hard work to take care of Y/n" I look at her in awe and I fiddle with my fingers and say "Thanks." in a mumble.

   Regina smiled at me and as we ate she'd occasionally help wipe the sauce off my face like a child. Then after lunch was over I paid and we left and I got some Ice cream and Regina said she didn't want any...

   Yet she took several licks out of mine and when I tell her she can have it she would refuse again. "Come on Regina you can have it!" Regina groaned and rolled her eyes "For the last time Y/n I said no" I groaned and spit on my ice cream. "Want it now?" Regina blushed and I grinned and laughed at her face and soon finished the ice cream.

   We headed back home and me and Regina went in her room. Then we noticed that Gretchen and Karen left to go back home. I looked at Regina by her windowsill and I invited her over with a head nod. Regina then sat on my thigh and looked out her window to look at the beautiful view of the stars that were planted in the sky.

   Then I said "What a lovely view hm?" Regina nodded and rested her head on my chest making me blush and Regina said "Ten years from now we might see this scene again" I looked at her my eyebrows furrowed and asked "And whatever do you mean by that?"

   Regina turned towards me and stroked my cheek and said "I mean that when were married we'll be sitting on this windowsill looking up at the stars" I looked in her eyes that were illuminated by the moonlight and said "Married? Your already thinking of marriage?" Regina shrugged and said "Well if we do I bet we'll recreate this scene unfolding"

  I nod and lean in to kiss her and she does the same and we kiss each other we love and passion before lust took over on the bed and we had lovely sex and the room was filled with moans and love. What a lovely sight as the Pink sun rose and set that day came a new spark that shined in both of us expanding the relationship further.

Words: 696

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