Chapter 16 World Burn

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    After having our life back to normal it came closer and closer to graduation and closer and closer to a very popular dance around here called the "Spring Fling" and my lord is Regina obsessed with this whole being the ice queen or some shit..

    "I have to win this year I've always won and this is my last time to win and I ALWAYS WIN!" I flinched at the rage of her voice and I sit on the edge of the bed while Karen styles my hair and Gretchen is in the bathroom. Regina grabs my collar aggressively on the dresser and puts it on me and pinches me while at it.

    "OW!" Regina stops rambling and checks for the damage and it's alright and she kissed my nose in apology then goes back to rambling. Karen finished with my hair and I gave her a kiss as my thank you and we were 3 minutes late to school and I go to Regina and kiss her to shut her up.

    "Babe it's alright how about after school you get your stress out on my and Karen and Gretchen hm?" Regina nods and Karen nods as well and Regina bangs on the bathroom door "GRETCHEN LET'S GO!" I wait by the door hating to be late.

   Gretchen yells from in the bathroom "You guys go without me I'm gonna be another 20 minutes!" I nod quickly and grab Regina and Karen's hands and I run towards the door of Regina's place and say "Let's go!"

   We head out and drive to school to start yet another day. Before heading to class Regina adjusts my outfit and kisses me on the forehead then the lips. I chuckle and Regina let's me go and her and Karen have 1st period together and they head off and I head into my Writing class whistling away in joy.

   After 2 periods no sign of Gretchen which was weird she hated being late like me and in 2nd period this is where me Regina and  Karen have together Gretchen wasn't in 2nd period then 3rd period rolled around the corner in a flash.

    Making my way to 3rd period I stopped dead in my tracks my jaw dropping at the sight. Which made Regina mad we always waked together to each class and Regina like a mother would drop us off at each class destination. Regina pulled my hair and said "What the hell y/n!?" I pointed to what I was looking at and we all got mad at the sight.

   Gretchen was walking in school hips swaying with the shortest skirt in existence and her panties being exposed with certain movements and her short crop top didn't help either and all the boys and some girls were staring in awe and wonder.

   Me and Regina growled like angry animals and Karen's face was red with anger as we watched her walk through the halls of the school like she owned it.  I kept on growling in anger and Regina said "Down girl I'll handle this step in when I snap" Me and Karen nodded and Regina approached Gretchen. 

    Gretchen stopped before Regina and Regina glared at her staring daggers in her very soul. "What the fuck are you wearing?" Regina said in a calm but clear angry voice at first. Gretchen shrugged her shoulders and said "Only thing I could find" Regina was now red of anger too just like Karen. Regina snapped her fingers and me and Karen grabbed one of each of Gretchen's arms and took her to a bathroom and the bell have already rung so no one was in there. 

   Gretchen was kicking and squirming in our grip and she never does that I growled in even more anger in me exploded and I threw her against the wall and yelled at her while Karen locked the bathroom doors and cleared it out. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Regina demanded that I let go of her and I do and Regina rests her shoulders on me rubbing them to calm me down.

    Regina still keeping her composure said "Gretchen baby go home and change then come back ok?" Gretchen was silent for a moment then said. "No. I chose to wear this and I will" I looked up at Regina who was fuming. "What did you just say?..." I was grunting cause Regina's anger was going to my shoulders gripping them harshly with her nails.

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