Chapter 10 New Color (Smut)

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   The next morning for school I got ready with Regina and I turned to Regina and adjusted my clothes and said "Look good?" Regina strutted over, licked her hand and pushed my hair back and I was on cloud 9 when she did that.

   Regina smirked and then did her bright red lipstick and walked over to me and kissed my cheek and looked at me "Face your head upwards" I nodded and looked up and she kissed my sweet spot on my neck making my breath hitch and her red lipstick stained my neck and cheek.

   Regina looked at me one last time and said "Perfect." I smile and wrap my arms around her waist while she did her makeup and said "Not as perfect as you though" I kiss her cheek and she responds "Good answer" I chuckle and get up and get my bag for school.

   I ride with Regina to school and I get out along with Regina and she stops dead in her tracks and I look at her and see her eyes filled with rage. I look at her with concern and ask "H-hey babe you ok?" Regina nudged me to look where she's looking and I see Cady talking to Aaron blushing.

   I look at Regina and ask "Why are you mad at them? Cady has been crushing over him ever since she came true love huh?" Regina boils up more after hearing Cady has liked him for more time.

   Regina grabbed me by my collar and says "Aaron is my ex boyfriend he CANNOT leave me for her!"

   I was sweating from anxiety and said "B-b-but y-you have me Gretchen a-and Karen a-aren't we enough?" Regina let's go of my collar and storms over towards Cady. I gulp wondering what she'll do.

     I found out once she went up to Aaron and starting flirting back with him and Aaron was becoming more interested in Regina now than Cady. Poor Cady...but Regina was talking to him throughout the whole day then at lunch I sat with Janis and Damian cause Regina wasn't giving a damn about me.

   Janis grabbed my collar and was reading it and Damian saw too and Janis said "Did you fuck them?" I shook my head and said "I accidentally bumped into them and they put this on me to embarrass me" Janis had a pissed off expression probably cause the Plastics were "harassing me" Or embarrassing me.

   Damian kept eating his food not caring and I said "Did you see what happened with Cady and Aaron when Regina stepped in?" Damian excidently yells "I DID!" I chuckle and let him continue "Yeah Regina kept on flirting and flirting and flirting with him and right before lunch they got back together" I spit out my beverage and looked at him with a jaw dropping eye widing expression.

   Damian looked at me with confusion and asked "What?" I cleared my throat thinking of an excuse "I-I just didn't know she could get him back so easily" Janis scoffs and says "They just wanna get in her pants" I shrugged and sipped my drink trying to look calm but on the inside I was down right pissed.

   After school I walked alone back to Regina's place. I go inside and greet her mom and head to my room and I decide to relax by taking a bath it's always relaxed me. I set it up with bubbles and I set some towels on the side and I undressed and took off my collar and I set in the bath and I relaxed almost imminently.

   I was relaxing then I heard my bedroom door open and close and then I saw Gretchen enter the bathroom and saw me and smiled "Hi baby!" I smiled back and I sat up in the tub and said "Hi there gorgeous" Gretchen giggled and sat on the side of the tub and looked at me admiring me.

   I smiled and sat up more to kiss her and Gretchen held onto my face continuing to kiss me and soon our tongues were involved. Once we pulled apart I was above the water enough for Gretchen to see my boobs and she pinches one of them earning a loud moan from me.

    Gretchen bites her lip and then removes her clothes and she slowly gets in the water and goes to sit in between my legs and slowly comes down so I get a good look at her ass.  Then she settles in between my legs and says "So where's your collar?" I nodded my head towards the counter where it sat and Gretchen says "When you get out of the tub I have a surprise for you" I blush and put on a goofy smile.

   Then Gretchen starts grinding her ass against my sex and I grunt and grab her hips and stop her movements and I bring my hand down to her pussy and stick two fingers in her without warning and biting on her earlobe.

   Gretchen moans and throws her head back on my boobs and I smirk and go faster with my fingers and I turn her head with my other hand to look at me. We start making out as she gets closer to an orgasm.

   Gretchen came and I drained the water then refilled it and washed her body and I was waiting for Gretchen to do something but never did but cuddle with me in the tub. Once we were done we got out and I dried myself off feeling refreshed totally forgetting why I was mad.

   I was beside the bed and Gretchen still naked pushed me onto the bed with my in my undergarments and Gretchen said "Mmm that face of yours~" I backed away a bit until I hit the headboard and Gretchen laid me down flat on my back and sat on my face and I imminently started licking her vagina.

   Gretchen moaned and she was already sensitive from earlier and kept grinding on my face riding my face like crazy. After she came she got off me and I licked up every single last drop of cum.

   Gretchen was then holding a name tag for dogs but it had a shape of a heart and it said "Gretchen's babygirl" I blushes and she attached it to my collar and put it around my neck. I blushed at the name tag and Gretchen looked at me with an excited expression and a loving one "Well? Do you like it!?" She asked excitedly I flipped her on her side so I could cuddle into her breasts and mumbled "It's perfect" Gretchen smiled and held me close as we fell asleep.

Words: 1123

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