Chapter 6 Burnt

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   It was 7th period and I was nervous for after school I had fun with Gretchen yes wasn't much but it's Regina I'm scared for. She can get anyone to do anything and Karen can do anything if you tell her.

   Maybe I could use that as an advantage? maybe I could cheat the system? I could top them all! oh what am I thinking!?

   I was snapped out of my thoughts from the bell to get us out of school I was nervous and I got out of class and got my bag from my locker and left school and walked over to Regina's house. I grabbed a cigarette out and lit it up and took a drag out.

   I let the smoke take over my senses feeling another year of my life cut short but it was too addicting to stop. I kept smoking it till it shrunk too much and I threw it in the trash. I then went to Regina's door and knocked on it then rung the doorbell and I waited for 3 minutes until Karen opened the door and looked my up and down and bit her lip.

    "Come on in, Regina has something up her sleeves" I gulp and walk in and hang my jacket on the coat rack and Karen bent her pointer finger back and forth signaling me to follow her I walked towards her and she grabbed me by my hair and kissed me deeply and made out with me and after 30 seconds she pulls away and licks her lips and licks my lips and I moan softly and she walks up the stairs swaying her hips and she was wearing a short skirt and I could see her bare ass and my jaw dropped.

   I followed her immediately and I entered Regina's room and it's not what I expected at all. I saw Regina, Gretchen, and Cady sitting in almost a circle on the floor with a pink book in the middle and they all look up at me and Karen and Karen goes to sit with the circle and there was a space in the circle for someone else to sit.

   Cady looks at me confused and looks at Regina and says "W-what's Y/n doing here?" Regina grins and looks at me and says "Why don't you tell her?" I look confused and chuckle awkwardly "What?" Gretchen then gets up and pulls me more into the room and I stumble and Gretchen closes Regina's door and locks it.

   I gulped and Regina gets up and grips my chin and stands beside me and strokes me hair looking at Cady and says "This little whore likes you" I blushed in embarrassment and imminently say "N-n-no! N-not at all!" Cady tilts her head confused and looks at Karen and asks "I-is it really true?"

   Regina smirks and looks at Karen and Karen says "Yeah she does a real slut she is" I was getting more anxious by the second and my face was red and my heart beating fast and Regina squishes my front cheeks and says "Why don't you kiss your crush Y/n?" Regina says in a taunting way.

   Cady looked at me almost concerned but not about me but how I would ever love her and knowing that she liked Aaron and not me. Cady fiddled with her fingers and Gretchen looked at me from the bed biting her lip seeing my anxious state.

   Cady then said "I-I have to leave" I got out of Regina's grip and tried to stop her and said "W-wait Cady!" But it was too late she left the room my heart started slowing down a bit until Karen put a blindfold over my eyes and pulled me back I yelled out in fear and Regina gagged me with what was balled up underwear couldn't tell whose.

   I was having a Anxiety attack now trying to get out of a hold I couldn't remember anything after that just panic and I woke up yelling in absolute fear. I was panting and sweat all over me and I felt someone grab my arm and pull me down and I hit a soft mattress I've been on before. I then looked around and I was naked I couldn't remember anything and I looked around me and saw it was Regina's room and I saw Karen laid across my legs her ass being faced up and her bare pussy on my right thigh.

   I then look to my left side and saw Gretchen there holding my arm as a pillow as she slept peacefully and I couldn't find Regina and I realized that I wasn't laying on pillows but rather a human and I looked up and saw Regina looking down on me and I realized my head was in between her thighs the back of my head on her pussy.

   Regina stroked my hair then pushed it back making my head go back and she stroked my cheek and I was still sweating way too much. I looked at her in a confused matter and asked "W-what happened last night?" She chuckled and said "With the way we are all naked you don't know?" I looked away from her and looked at Karen and Gretchen and Regina pulled my hair so I looked at her.

   "First off I never told you that you could look away now did I?" I stared at her with tired eyes and said " what happened?" She traces her finger over my face and says "Well we tied you up on the bed and you were muffled talking and trying to say shit while you were sweating like crazy and drooling and heart beating fast"

   I sat up and removed my arm away from Gretchen which made her whine and Regina grabbed my hair again and I snapped and said "Quit it! Bitch" I shove Karen off me and I get up and notice some cum still on me here and there.

   I grabbed a towel and wiped it off and Regina said "Where the fuck do you think your going?!" I looked at her with annoyed tired eyes and said "Going to school fucker!" She got up along with Gretchen and Karen and Regina said "No you can skip" I shake my head and find my clothes ripped on the floor and yell "WHO THE FUCK DID THIS!?" Regina smirks and gets closer to me and strokes my face and says "Me what are you gonna do go to school naked?"

   I was pissed I haven't taken my daily pills cause for one I didn't have them at Regina's house. So I was stressed and annoyed and pissed. I gripped Regina's wrists tight and pinned her to the wall and I bit her neck and she grunted and groaned and she pulled my hair and I pushed her more forcefully into the wall and I bit her shoulder and sucked on it forming a hickey.

   Regina then pushed me away and gasped when she felt the hickey and yelled "YOU WHORE!" Then ran into the bathroom and saw the hickey and I didn't know what was happening and Gretchen was putting her hands over her mouth in shock of what I did and Karen looked at me smiling I was more confused then ever.

   Regina came out with a pink whip and my eyes widen and she said "Your gonna regret that" There was a moment of silence and Gretchen and Karen backed away and sat in the corner of the room and I was even more confused and Regina said "It's time to put you in your place"

Words: 1282


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