Chapter 7 New Spark

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   Regina smirked as she saw my expression changing from fear, anger, and anxious. Regina smacked the whip on the ground and Karen and Gretchen were in the corner sitting together watching the scene unfold.

   I look at Regina and the bright pink whip and say "Oh come Regina this is insane!" Regina then smacks me with the whip 3 times and says "One you will not spoke unless told to next you don't call me Regina" She says as she walks towards me as I shake from the whip hitting me and she whispers in my ear "It's mommy" I gulp and she smacks me with the whip on my thigh harshly and I yell out in pain and she grips my face and says "Understood?" I nod and she hits me with the whip again and says "Words" I stutter with my words and say "y-yes mommy" She grins and says "Good girl"

   I was shaking and too anxious to say anything but it was eternal hellfire after that.


Cady POV:

I was a little worried about Y/n now knowing she liked me and I ran away now knowing what to do being the awkward teenager that I am and I ran back home and I was sweating and panting and my mom asked "Are you ok?" I nodded my head while pants and went to my room.

   The next day I came to school but didn't see Y/n I brushed it off for now but something could randomly happen and change that. I went to Janis and Damian and explained to them what happened then Janis said "I KNEW IT!" I jumped a bit from how loud it was and I told them "I-I just don't like her though I like Aaron and she knows that and she shouldn't have bothered to want to like me or have a crush on me or even wanna fuck me"

   Janis and Damian look at each other then back to me and said "Well It'll all play out and we'll see" I nodded my head and looked over at the plastics table and saw no one.

   I went to calculus class like normally and I saw Aaron Samuel and almost fainted he was sweaty from P.E and he said hi to me and sat down.  I wanted to touch his hair SO BADLY but resisted.

   We talked sometime and then went our own ways and I went back to my place and waited for the next day to arrive by dreaming about Aaron.

   Next day rolls around and again no Y/n or Plastics pretty odd if you ask me skip over to lunch I was eating with Janis and Damian. "Isn't it weird the plastics and Y/n were gone for two days straight?" Damian said looking at us confused.

   Janis then said "Yeah it does seem kinda weird huh?" Damian nodded then went back to eating his food. I sighed and picked at my food and Janis noticed and said "What's up?" "I...I think Y/n is scared to come back because when she told me that she had a crush on me I ran away."

   Janis spit out her drink and said "YOU RAN AWAY FROM HER??!?!" I flinched a bit and said "Yes?" Damian made a expression telling me that's not good and I was about to say something but then Janis said "Oh my god! Is that Y/n?" I was confused the turned around to see what she was looking at and I regret it.

   Y/n had on a spiked pink leather jacket with decorative chains on the side and pink spiked bracelets on her right hand. Then she had clean hair and hickey's on her neck and a pink shiny belt with baggy blue jeans on and some nice pink leather shoes (Or whatever your style is but with some chain pink spiked stuff on the side) But one important part I saw was a pink spiked collar. Like a dogs collar and a pink heart as the name tag and something was engraved in it.

   Y/n walked behind the Plastics with Karen and Gretchen taking glances to her and Y/n looked tired and looked tough. The Plastics sat down in their normal spot and Regina said something to Y/n and Regina looked at me and signaled me to go over there with her finger.

   I looked over at Janis and Damian and they gave a slight nod and I walked over to them. Regina looked at Cady then at the table and said "Sit." Cady sat down next to Gretchen and Regina said "You really need to stop hanging around the faggot's" I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly knowing they were talking about Janis and Damian.

   I nodded and Regina said "And stay away from Aaron." I was shocked she even knew about him and then I looked up at Y/n and she was looking down at the floor almost falling asleep. "I-I don't know what your talking about" Then Regina said "Oh so you don't have a crush on him in your calculus class and staring at him and saying "I wish I could date him"" I looked again at Y/n this time she looked at me with sorry eyes and I said "I-I need to use the bathroom" I got up and ran into the bathroom and cried.

Y/n POV:

    After two days of absolute torture from Regina she officially "Trained" me and she said I stand by her side the whole time at school and I would be considered a Plastic I would listen to her and do almost everything as told.

   Apparently she went through the same thing with Karen and Gretchen. Karen just acted stupid during it and Gretchen didn't get hit by the whip a lot because she was a made to be bottom. I was hurt almost everywhere but I stood up tall to not get hit more after that Karen and Gretchen promised they will rub some alcohol on my bruises and help me after today.

   I was tired though I was up all night and day and I haven't took my pills yet in two days I'm getting more stressed by daylight. I was tired and mad but I had to hide it from Regina. Karen could tell my pain not so much Gretchen so Karen said to Regina "Can me and Y/n get something I forgot in your car" Regina groans and says "Fine."

   I walked with Karen over to Regina's car and Karen pulls out a first aid kit and says "Sit in the backseats" I sat down carefully and Karen asked "Where are the most painful spots?" I said in a low hurt voice "My back a-and legs" Karen nods and says "Let's use the outdoor bathrooms come on" She helps me to the bathroom and we get in a stall and she locks it and she says "Just remove your's pants and shirt" I nod leaving me in my bra and underwear and red marks shown with hickeys.

   Karen then said "It's alright I had to go through this Regina didn't like me being too stupid. I nodded a bit and I sat down and Karen rubbed some alcohol on a wipe and wiped my back and said "This may hurt" It did like hell but I kept it in and then she rubbed the middle part of my back with alcohol and it hurt too much that I screamed.

   Karen stopped immediately and said "O-o-oh my gosh! A-are you ok?" I was pulling on my hair and crying and Karen grabbed my head and put it on her shoulder and said "It's alright I finished your back it's alright I'm just gonna put your shirt back on."

   I nodded and let her do her thing and then she saw my legs same condition but less worse and she did the same thing and I had tears streaming down my face from the pain and Karen gave me a light kiss on the forehead to comfort me.

   We arrived back at the cafeteria and the bell rung and Regina said "What took you guys so long!?" Karen stuttered and said "I-I had some fun with Y/n sorry" Regina rolled her eyes and said "Whore." Then we went our separate ways to our different classes.

Words: 1391

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