Chapter 13 The Pink Book...

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    A week after me and Regina's date night she's been busy at school because she said she has SAT prep. So tonight was me and Karen's date night then Gretchen's would be next week. I was getting ready as usual and Gretchen snakes her hands around my waist and said in a sexy voice "Come on baby why don't you let me join~" I lightly push her away saying "Gretchen stop. Your's is next week don't make it 2 weeks!" Gretchen sighs and nods as she lays down on my bed trying to get some sleep.

   I then greet Karen at the door and she jumps on me excitedly and she was wearing a white long dress that had flowers decorated around it and it was a tight dress highlighting all her curves and shoes matching the flowers on her dress.

    She also had her hair straightened and in a ponytail and a flower clip to hold it all in place with beautiful makeup. She smiled at me and kissed my nose and I giggle and she leads me to the Italian place where me and Regina went and we sat and talked about funny things.

   Karen was holding my hand under the table since the table was round and rather small and I got some pasta while Karen got a salad. We ate and went for ice cream and we both got Vanilla and Karen finished hers along with mine and went home and we indeed had sex.

   It wasn't too rough like Regina but yet not too controlling to take over like Gretchen. Just pure sweet sex. Then after our sex on the bed we took a shower together bad idea cause we had another sex session in there I guess you could say it wasn't bad.

    After that I collapsed on the bed feeling well refreshed after a long but fun day. The next week after Karen's date was Gretchen's and by golly was she excited I giggled at her excitement busting through the roof. 

   Gretchen was wearing a long yellow flowey skirt and a tight light brown crop top and a white necklace. Her makeup also done very well and her hair put up in a messy bun I blushed at her wearing and we went to a Chinese restaurant and I ordered some rice with vegetables and egg in it and Gretchen got some chicken on a stick and some white rice.

    After the restaurant we did get Ice cream we ordered one large one one and she fed me some and I fed her some cute couple stuff. Gretchen and me were now walking back to her place and I was holding her hand and she leans on my shoulder and it was cold out in the night. I smile and kiss her head and she stops walking and looks at me and says "Was this the best night you've had?" I think for a moment and ask her "Can you keep a secret?" She nods and says "I always keep Regina's secrets and haven't told anyone" I chuckle and say "What's one of her secrets she's keeping from me?" Gretchen laughs and looks at me and says "I can't tell you"

   I wanted to know a secret and so I say "What if I fuck you pretty hard then will you tell me one of her secrets she doesn't want me to know?" Gretchen thinks and says "If it's good" I smirk and I rush to her house and I shut her door and I start kissing her imminently once we get inside and she holds my head and pushes me closer to her lips. Desperate.

   Then I hear a gasp and see her mom standing there with her dad beside her I chuckle awkwardly and take Gretchen's hand and we go upstairs to her room. I lock her door and push her onto the bed and she imminently starts taking off her dress and I take off my clothes and I smirk and walk over to her. 

   I then jump on the bed and on her so I'm straddling her "Ready fucker?" she moaned a yes and I smirk and pin her hands above her head. She bit her lip and I grabbed some silk stripes of fabric and I tied her hands to each bedpost and I made sure they were tight and secure then I got off her and looked at her. "Where are your toys princess?" I ask with a smirk. She looked towards her closet and I smirk and open it seeing a jet black box with "~" written in a red ink and I smirk and open it seeing the toys and I look at Gretchen.

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