Chapter 15 Truth be Told (Smut)

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    5 weeks it's been without Regina and 3 weeks ago me, Gretchen, and Karen told the whole school about our relationship it was a known thing. I wasn't ashamed more pleased that I don't have to hide my feelings about the girls but Regina...

    Oh boy Regina once she heard she yelled at Gretchen and Karen at lunch and yes they still eat with her I can't figure out why but I eat lunch outside I tell the girls it's because I like the outside view better but that's not the truth. Nothing can never truly be the truth...right?

    The school bell rang in 4th period which woke me up as to being tired from the night before with the girls. I get up with tired eyes and leave calculus and Ms. Norbury stopped me before I headed out the door.

    "Yes miss?" Ms. Norbury lowered her glasses and looked into my soul scanning my face and finally spoke in the silence. "For the past few weeks you've been sleeping in my class your grades are dropping dramatically." I nod noticing my sleep schedule has been out of wack without Regina.

    Ms. Norbury notices my tired look and sigh and she also sighs and leans back in her chair. "What's wrong?" A question I knew was coming but didn't have a clear and appropriate answer to. "My sleep schedule has just been a bit out of wack with my relationship..." I say rubbing my arm looking away from Ms.Norbury's gaze. Ms. Norbury sighs and says "Please get your grade and sleep schedule fixed you have great opportunities don't mess it up just from a three girl relationship. Okay?" I nod and she sighs and stand up to leave and I leave to go outside. 

     I sat outside along the low brick fence that the grass has grown on and I pull out a sandwich that I made from Gretchen's kitchen and I pop open a can of f/d (Favorite drink) and take a sip and let out a sigh.

    The sun was shining but the tree i was sitting under was covering the brightness but leaving enough room for a good amount of light to enter. I eat my sandwich while looking at the grass feeling a hole in my heart that has yet to be filled. From even being in a three girl relationship that hole wasn't fully filled.

    I haven't spoke with Janis, Damian, or Cady in 4 weeks and Gretchen, Regina, and Karen always sit together in lunch for their 'Plastic meeting' basically talking with just the three of them. I was alone during this time I felt tears rolling down my cheeks and them drying up due to me not having the urge to wipe them.

    I sigh and sniffle as I finish my sandwich and I hug my legs and sob into my knees. Then just when I thought things couldn't get any worse...

    I heard a boys group of laughter coming closer and I look up to see Shane Oman and a group of buddies that look like Jocks. On of his friends beside Shane said "Look at the helpless mourning pathetic faggot crying like a baby" He said in a pity voice I growled lowly from my chest.

    They all laugh at his comment and Shane says "I know right and I can't believe Regina ever had sex with you she should've just kept you as a slave then killed you fucking disgrace" I was hurt by the words not with anger sadness took over me as the tears rolled more. I was sobbing and they laugh and Shane walks towards me and before I got a chance to react he punched me and his buddies pinned me against the tree and out of the 6 boys there they beat me and made sure bruises marks and blood were able to be seen. 

     Shane grabs me by the collar of my shirt and brings me up to eye level and mutters in my ear "If I see you next to MY Regina again. I. Will. fucking. end YOUR LIFE!" With that he threw me against the tree and my weak body slumped down and I clutched my beat up stomach and I let a few tears slip out and I pass out against the tree.

    I wake up and it was night time and I slowly got up feeling even worse after I was beat up and I notice that I was in a different position so they must have came back after school and beat me up again. I cough up some blood and I slowly limb in the school and I go to the lockers and I go to mine and I lean my upper body against in and bang my head against the metal locker a few times crying.

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