Chapter 14 Forgiveness...?

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    Me and Regina keep growing closer but after 4 weeks she again was gone for a while mostly for SAT prep and me, Gretchen, and Karen have been going on dates and hanging out. We were having sex and I was currently fucking Gretchen with a strap as Karen was playing with her hair.

    I smirked at Gretchen's state and Karen started making out with Gretchen while I kept fucking her brains out. Gretchen then mumbled to Karen "I don't know why...Regina rather fuck SHANE OMAN THAN US!" She yells the last part while she came and I stopped all my actions and gripped Gretchen's chin harshly and said. "What the hell did you just say?"

    Gretchen whimpered and said "R-regina's cheating on us with S-shane Oman instead of SAT prep" I growled like a lion and I threw the strap off and I went into the bathroom and shut the door and Karen and Gretchen look at each other.

    I was in the bathroom and I took my pills for my Anxiety and I sighed and pulled on the roots of my hair and I looked at myself in the mirror my  hair frizzy from sex and my naked state and hickeys from other nights and tonight.

   I left the bathroom and Karen was in her pajamas and Gretchen was still naked and sitting on the bed with Karen cleaning Gretchen up and they both look at me and Karen asks "What are you gonna do?". That question had me thinking and I said "Don't say a word of this to Regina I'll deal with her when she gets home y'all should head home too" They nod and Karen gets up and kisses my cheek and grabs her stuff and leaves.

   After Karen leaves Gretchen stays to fix herself and adjust her clothes and grab her stuff and she says "Call me after you deal with Regina" I nod and kiss her lips before she leaves. Leaving me to go to my room and I sigh once I sit on my bed and I put on a shirt and sweatpants with undergarments and I slip on my slippers and wait for Regina to return and 2 hours later she does and I hear her go into her room and that was my go time I walk over to her room and open her door and her hair was a bit messy and her clothes sloppily put on. I stare daggers into her eyes and she looks confused.

    "Hi? You gonna stand there or you gonna come over here and give me a kiss?" I had a very serious angry face on and I walked over to her and I was standing up fully so I towered over her just by a few inches and she gave me a kiss. I didn't kiss back which was got her the first sign. "What's wrong with you?"

    I look in her eyes and say in a low voice "Tell me all about SAT prep. How is your hair all frizzy? Why did you come home late? Why are your clothes put on in a messy manner?". I watch her expression go to more confused and she then responds. "I was tired and annoyed and I fell asleep in the bathroom and SAT prep was shit. Why are you asking me all those questions?" I look deep in her eyes and respond back. "I'm trying to uncover the truth and Shane Oman has a different story to tell" I huff and her eyes go wide and her face turns into a mad one.

    "Gretchen told you that didn't she!?" I shoved her towards her window. "I OVERHEARD IT AND THATS NOT THE POINT" I yell and Regina pushes me back and I walk towards her yelling at her. "ALL I WANTED WAS A TRUE RELATIONSHIP REGINA THAT'S ALL I WANT BUT IT LOOKS LIKE YOU DON'T CARE!" Regina scoffs and says "You know what Y/n sometimes I miss a strong looking man once in a while!" I scoff and I push her one last time before going to leave her room and she notices and grabs my hand.

    "Let go!" I pull my hand away and I walk out of her room but then I feel her pull me by my shirt collar and she says in my ear "Your not going anywhere" I feel my neck occupied by the collar I haven't worn it in a while and she attaches the chain leash and pulls me by it and ties the leash on her bedpost and I grunt and Regina grips my chin and I yell.

    "ARE YOU INSANE!?" She squints her eyes and says "I can't afford to lose my property" I squirm out of her grip and say "No I'm not! If you don't let me go right now I'm calling the cops once I leave!" Regina scoffs and unhooks the leash and says "Pack your things and leave then I don't wanna see your face again in this house" I nod and get up and I go to my room and I pack my clothes and some other stuff and my pills and I leave and I call Gretchen and she responds.

    "Yes?" I sniffle and say "Gretchen c-can I stay at your place...please?" Gretchen recognized the voice and said "Of course sweetie I'll see you here" I say my thanks and hang up. I walk over to the house and I see Gretchen standing there a light blanket wrapped around her and she hugs me and kisses me all over.

    "Are you ok baby?" I shake my head and she helps me get my stuff in and I head to her room and the rain patters against the window. I sniffle and cuddle in close to her and explain everything.

    Gretchen sighs and says "I-I'm sorry that I told it during sex and got you in trouble..." I sigh and grab Gretchen's hand and kissing it. "It's ok I know you didn't mean to I'd rather know about this." Gretchen nods and I soon drift off to sleep.

   The next day in school I wasn't wearing my collar and I was sitting with Janis and Damian and Cady. Janis glared at me and said "Where were you for 6 weeks?" I gulped and thought. "Well Regina has been giving me tasks and got me kicked out of my house so she let me stay with her but then I couldn't stand her and so now I'm at Gretchen's place". Janis rolled her eyes and said "You could've asked me!"

    I sigh and just plant my head on my hands and say "Listen Janis I've had a rough night I don't know what to do right now" I say as a tear falls down and I get up and walk away. I walk towards the back of the school and I was about to leave until I heard running of heels clicking behind me and I saw Gretchen.

    Gretchen caught up and grabbed my hand and said "Baby what's wrong?" she says while caressing my cheek. I smile and remove her hand and kiss it "I'm just a little stressed that's all" she sighs and smiles once she see's my smile. I hear more heels clicking and I see Karen and no one else I sigh and I hug Karen.

    Karen smiles and kisses my all over "K-karen stop" I say giggling and Karen kisses me and I realize that my relationship with Karen and Gretchen is better without Regina. I sigh at the thought but I continue throughout the day wondering and thinking about Regina.

Words: 1278

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