Chapter 17 The Pain and the Pleasure out of it (Smut)

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    It's been 3 days since she got hit by a bus and she was back home and I was ready in a nice outfit with Gretchen and Karen and I had a bouquet of flowers in my hand for her. I waited and I heard the car pull up and I smile as I saw the door open and there was her mom and dad and...Regina?

   She was indeed different with a big neck brace on her it went to her hips then 5 inches above her head. She looked like she really had a painful time and it broke my heart and Regina saw us and hugged each and every one of us.

     I smile and didn't notice I was crying and Regina stroked my cheek with her thumb to remove the tears and asked "What's wrong my darling?" I sniffle and say "I-I-I t-though y-you were going t-to die!" Regina felt guilty and put my head in the crook of her neck and said "Aww you poor baby come to mommy it's alright" I nod and she smiles and kisses me.

   I smile and Regina says "Now I can't have sex but I do have some ideas in mind." I chuckle as the only thing she was thinking about was sex strategies. I kiss her cheek and Gretchen still hugging Regina as tight as possible and then Karen kissing all over Regina's face. Regina then pushes us away except from Gretchen.

   I smile and she says "Let's get to my room weirdos" I chuckle and I hold her hand as we go to her room and Gretchen still clinged to her. Karen opens the door for all of us and Regina carefully sits on her bed with the giant neck brace.

   Gretchen sits beside her playing with Regina's hair and Karen on the other side kissing her neck and kissing basically anywhere she could, horny as hell probably. Regina looks at me still standing putting the flowers in a vase I also got her and I put it in and put some water in it. After I did that I stood next to the dresser looking at Regina who was also looking at me with an eyebrowed raised.

    "So are you going to just stand there or sit behind me?" I chuckled and said "I won't stand around and I won't sit behind you" She looked confused and I sat in front of her on my knees and my head was to her chest and I looked up to make eye contact with her and she chuckled and said "This is better"

   I smile and kiss her lips and Karen whines losing some of her kissing spots. I chuckle and Regina grins and pulls away with a smirk on her face I tilt my head in confusion and say "What?". Regina smirks and says "I found out a way we could do some good sex still"

   I blush and ask "L-like what?" She smiles and says "Go under my dress and remove my panties and eat me up~" I blush and have a toothy grin on my face. Regina smirks and says "Go on" I go under her flowy dress she had on and Regina's legs pushes me up more and I move her panties to the side and I almost drool at the sight.

    I see her dripping wet pussy and I moan at the sight and she smirks and let's out a breathy sigh as I start kissing it. I smirk and suck on it and then I dive my tongue in there. I smirk at her breathy moans and thrust deeper with my tongue then I use two fingers to help the experience. 

    She moans more louder and Gretchen gets turned on by the noises and starts fingering herself and Karen notices and nudges Regina and points towards Gretchen who had her eye closed. Regina grabs Karen's face and says "Go punish Gretchen for mommy" Karen nods with a smirk on her face.

   I continue with my work on Regina and I hear Karen and Gretchen going at it and Gretchen moaning her lungs air capacity away. Regina then pushes my head closer to her pussy and she moans as my tongue goes deeper along with my fingers.

   I moan in her pussy sending her vibrations and Regina says stuttering "I-I-I'm ugh a-about to c-c-cum!" I nod knowing and I sped up my movements and she squirts all in my face in sudden shock I fall back the cum on my face but also it was dripping from her pussy and I get back up and licked off the cum off my face and moan at the taste. 

   I then get back under her dress and lick off the rest of the cum off her pussy and I get up when I'm finished and Regina said "Come make out with me baby" I said with a smirk don't you mean "CUM make out with me baby" I chuckled and Regina rolled her eyes and kissed me deeply.

   I chuckle and kiss back eagerly and Regina pulls away and licks her lips in my face making me fall even more for her. She smirks and Gretchen and Karen were still going at it and Regina says "Come watch Gretchen and Karen have sex" I smirk and said "Don't you mean CU-" Regina smacks me lightly and I get the message and I crawl up the bed and I lay on top of Regina but right when I flopped on her the neck brace hurt me and I imminently got up and huffed in annoyance.

   I sat beside Regina and said "Can't you take the neck brace off for a bit?" Regina said "I have to wear it for a while I think for sleep and some other things I can but I have to replace it with a different alternative you just have to lay off me for 12 weeks." I was shocked and said "12 WEEKS!?" Regina looked at me with a look and I shut up.   

   Regina cupped my face and said "It could be a shorter time though if I do good." I nod and we continue watching Gretchen getting fucked by Karen and once Gretchen cums Karen sighs in relief and collapses next to Regina and Gretchen snuggles up close to Regina. Regina got the pain in the beginning and then the pleasure out of it later.

Words: 1076

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