Chapter 9 Bright Pink

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   I was getting ready for school in my house and I put on black jeans a dark green sleeveless shirt and a gray jean jacket with some patches on it. Then I put on the pink spiked bracelets and then the collar then I put on a black paperboy hat (Or literary whatever but this is just my preference for me :P)

   I then went downstairs and my mom saw me and said "What in the hell is on your neck?" My stepdad walked by and pulled me by the collar and was reading the heart on it and my stepdad said "Babe it says "The Plastics Property"" I pull away from my dad hating him.

   My mother looks at me and says "Who is the plastics?!" I roll my eyes not wanting to deal with this and my dad grabbed my shoulder not letting me leave and I was sick of it and I punched him in his jaw making it bleed.

   My mother gasped and ran to his side and my stepdad said "I want that bitch out of this house or I LEAVE!" I growled and went up to my room and packed up clothes and some stuff and headed downstairs and my mother looked at me with a few tears filling her eyes.

   I scoffed and said "Wipe those fake tears away when you start caring about me more than that WHORE! Call me!" I slammed the front door and I pulled out my flip phone and called Regina and I had some tears in my eyes.

   Regina answered and said "Where the fuck are you first period is about to start!" I sniffled and the tears flowed freely and I said stuttering "I-I-I n-need to s-stay s-somewhere can I...can I...stay a-at your place?" my voice was breaking midway and I hear talking on the other end and Regina said "I'm heading home right now I'll see you there"

   I hung up and headed that way when I made it Regina, Karen, Gretchen, and Regina's mom were standing there. I had a suitcase with me and my backpack and another bag. I let go of them all and ran into Regina's arms hugging her tightly crying in her chest and Regina rubbed my back and stroked my hair and Regina's mom asked "What happened sweetie?"

   I sniffled and pull myself off Regina and said with tears "M-my stepdad wanted m-me out o-or he'd leave a-and my mother didn't c-care about me. S-so I left!" I cried in Regina's mom's arms crying letting all my tears soak in her clothes.

   They brought me inside and Regina's mom let me use the guest room next to Regina's room. I got settled in Regina's mom being very nice towards me. We all skipped school today and then towards the night I ate dinner with them the food tasting good but not as good as my mothers but I ate it great fully and Regina's mom finally could read my collar and she asked "Property? Regina what is that?" Karen choked on her water and Gretchen blushed and looked at Regina.

   Regina cleared her throat and said "Well mom, she had sex with us" Karen spits her water out and Gretchen blushes even more in embarrassment. and Regina's mom said "Oh. My. Gosh. your gay?" Regina said "No mom she just fucked us and we are punishing her" Regina's mom nods in understanding and delivers me a comforting wink.

   I sank in my chair feeling embarrassed. Regina smirks at me and after Dinner I take a shower and I sit on my bed thinking about all the event that happened and I swallow the pills I need to take and I lay on my bed in my bra and pajama shorts.

   Karen and Gretchen went to their own homes and Regina went into my room and locked the door and crawled up to me and laid down on top of me. I chuckle and stroke her hair and Regina said "Where's your collar?" I pointed towards my dresser where the collar sat.

   Regina grabbed the collar and put it around my neck and played with the heart chain and said "I love this around your neck" I watched her play with it and she removes it and said "But I prefer my hands around your neck" my eyes widen a bit and she chokes me a bit.

   I moan and roll my eyes back and Regina straddles my lap and uses both hands and I look at her groaning in pleasure. Regina smirks enjoying my reactions she then squeezed my throat a little tighter where I was gagging a bit.

   Regina then let go after some time and my head goes back. Regina then cuddled into my side and I smile and wrap my arms around her. 

Words: 809

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