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This one shot is about grians insecurity with his wings and someone discovering them (contains scarian!)
This was inspired by 1KokichiOuma's Grian Angst One Shots

Tw: Panic attack, blood, mention of self- mutilation, dysmorphia

Grians POV

I've scrolled through social media platforms and seen avians proudly showing off their beautiful wings. They're truly gorgeous all spread out, the feathers seeming to radiate intricately and the colors.. oh the colors were breathing wether it was a silky smooth pearly shining silver or an ombre from maybe purple to blue.

But not mine. That's what I've been told my whole life, starting just when I was a child. I've been openly discriminated against for them, been called a monster, been labeled idiotic and self-centered for being an avian and told they were disgusting.

And it's true, the only thing my wings are good for is flying.. other than that the cons outweigh the pros to the extreme. And so what if I can fly? My wings are so fragile that sometimes even the prospect of flying scares me but still, probably out of instinct I love the feeling. It's disgusting of me to like something so.. horrible. It's not okay. It's not natural. And so I hide them from the world.

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