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Hello, I'm fully aware I've written some pretty triggering stuff (the whole point of this book if you can call it that) but reminder to take care of your mental health

I've done alot of research about things like depression, of SH (self harm) and so here's your reminder:

Ik you've probably heard this thousands of times, but that's for a reason. Alot of people with depression aren't able to identify it, or feel hopeless but just trust me if you find the right coping skill (if that coping method for you is something like self harm, please i swear to you from the bottom of my heart there are so many other coping skills that can help and work just as well) and seek the right kind of help you can get astronomically better, happier with life and please believe me when I say it'll be worth it! People care, people are here for you even if those people aren't in your life yet they could be, please just find them!

You are loved and deserve every bit of positivity in your life!

You don't even have to be depressed for this advice to apply to you, all feelings no matter how small are valid and important!

If your ever in a really bad spot in life you can call 988 or there are many other numbers that are there for you

Hah this is probably cheesy and I might delete this but here's your reminder! 

Grian Angst |~One Shots~|Where stories live. Discover now