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Some hermits see Grians scars

Heavily inspired by emmaem111's Grian-Centric oneshots
*My own AU!!*

TW: one singular curse word (the audacity!!), mentions of torture, mentions of watchers and sam, scars, burn marks, venting, mention of knives

Grians POV

Today was unbelievably hot. In some servers, it was warmer or on others servers it was cooler most of the time, but here on hermitcraft, the weather had BPD. In the winter, snow was pouring down, and in the summer, the temperature reached over 106 sometimes.

Thanks to it being mid-summer, the weather was currently looking down at us, laughing hysterically at our misery while we savored every shadow like it was life itself, practically melting into the grass below.. skin-colored grass.. now that's a weird thought..

Me, Scar, and Mumbo had decided to all go to the creek together today, which I was happy to agree to due to the heat. It had been I think maybe three years since I had last swam.. maybe even evo..?

I wasn't a huge fan of swimming since my wings were practically sponges and would take hours to dry. I really shouldn't mind that much, but somewhere - probably instinctually - the thought of having no immediate escape wasn't thrilling to be blunt.

But today was the exception.. it was too hot to do anything else. And so off I flew to the creek with Scar and Mumbo.

I arrived sweaty and thirsty thanks to being so close to the sun, but luckily right infront of me was a wonderful magnificent glorious creek full of cool water.

"Hey Grian!" Mumbo called out, waving causing scar to look at me aswell. Both were wearing black swimming trunks and were shirtless. The only particularly remarkable thing was seeing mumbos hair messy and the large scar across Scars chest.

I smiled back, waving, "Hey guys sorry I was a bit late. "It's fine, come join us in the water you must be melting!"

I nodded, sliding off my signature red sweater. For the first time in awhile I felt the cool release of fresh air hit my back.. it was relaxing to say the least, but not for long due to the sun. I let the red sweater fall from my hands, picking up some dust from the ground before it settled. The sticky heat started creeping up my back, so I quickly jumped into the the creek.

"Cannon ball!" I yelled, launching myself in causing the cool liquid to splatter across the other hermits face.

"Hey!" Mumbo yelled, laughing. Scar ducked underwater, dragging me other and we had a small poking war before clawing our way to the surface, gasping for air between giggles.

Finally submerged, Mumbo slowly stopped laughing and looked directly at me. Scar seemed to notice whatever it was aswell and looked over at me, staring. Suddenly very uncomfortable and self conscious I choked out, "ehm.."

Both quickly looked away, and I looked down at myself to try and figure out what they were looking at. Then, I finally remembered.


Not just small ones like scar had, which were birth marks. Scars. Large ones. Many of them.

Lots of discolored skin patches went along my back and stomach, followed by burn marks and other much larger Scars with a slight purple glow. My heart froze.. I had forgotten all about them.. forgot the number one reason I despise swimming

The once refreshing water around me turned ice cold and there was probably a boulder rammed down my throat.

"Oh.. I ehm.. sorry I forgot.." I trailed off, lost in thought. "I should probably go.." I finally said. As I was about to run out of the water, a hand grabbed my arm. "Wait! Oh, uhm.. It's fine, really, Grian." Mumbo.. scar chimed in, "We aren't judging your Scars, just worried.." I froze. Worried?

Grian Angst |~One Shots~|Where stories live. Discover now