|~Evo Education~|

155 5 17

Xisuma teaches everyone about Evo

A different AU where Pearl isn't real because I'm tired, also I stopped watching evo when grian left so I made up what happened between the watchers and listeners

TW: Watchers, uh mentions of death and blood and screaming, anxiety, I forgot how to write TW'S, Cursing. Ya. Enjoy.

Grians POV

Should I be nervous or feel neutral?
It was hard not to feel both
On one hand, he's teaching us about my server.. the one I failed to protect..
On the other hand, nobody would know. Nobody has to know.
(The only one who would know is Pearl, but for plot advancement, she's not real... and wasn't impulse part of evo? Or am I making that up? Idk 🥲)

We were all sitting crowded next to each other, watching as X fiddled with a microphone on stage, trying to get it to work. I listened to everybody talk and.. get excited to learn about this, which, to be honest it made me sick. How could they possibly find so much joy and excitement off of such a... horrific.. event.

I was staring at the ground, lost in thought when I finally heard X's voice. "Uhm.. oh, it's working! Eh, okay, well, as you all know, watcher attacks have been on the rise recently, and I want to protect our server, so in order to do that, we're gonna have basically a lesson.. on watchers. Any questions before I get into this..?"

I glance around at the crowd, looking for anyone raising their hands. Hesitantly, I raise my hand.

X looks over at me, seemingly glad someone is participating and responds. "Yes, Grian?"

I hesitate for a moment before finally spitting it out, "Are we learning about how watchers work, like their weak points and all that stuff, or are we also learning about their history."

X perks up at the question, "Oh I'm actually glad you asked that- yes, we will be going over the watchers origins but because I think it's important to have examples and know what happens to servers who allow watchers on.."

As I hear that my heart drops and I can't bring myself to share his tone of excitement. "Ah.. ehm, thanks." I know exactly what server he's talking about, evo. He's gonna talk about evo. My server, the one I let get destroyed, the one I let people have false hope of thriving in. That one. After all, how could I forget?

"So! There are no exact eye witnesses left from evo. However, ever since evo was.. popularized in sorts thanks to the watcher attack, lots of research was conducted as a lot of you know, so I'll just be sharing that." X says, almost too excited.

It sickens me, his ability to lighten such a dark.. morbid.. topic for me. I hate it. I'd honestly see him up there crying while saying this. It fits the actual events of what happened so much better. Although I guess from him or any other outsiders' view, they couldn't truly fathom the events. The surreal, horrifying, and hopeless emotions. The feeling of having literal gods rip away everything you had left to love and smash it. Especially when those loved things happened to be friends. Living, breathing innocent people - screams, blood, blood? Blood. It was on my shoes, and my hands and..


... "Mumbo?"

I'm staring down at my trembling hands, my skin having lost all color.

"Ehm.. you alright Grian?"

My gaze seeks out Mumbo as I stare at him, still processing the mini spiral I had. "Yeah. Yeah, yeah uh- I.. yeah I'm.. Great..."

Mumbo just looked at me, almost amused by my lazy attempt of feigning mental stability. "Yeah you certainly look it" He says lightly, a hint of playful sarcasm underlining his voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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