|~Anger P2~|

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Part two of Anger

Read the first part
This second part is really only because I should've included this in part one, but I just needed to get something out, and also because part one might make more sense

TW: Mentions of stabbing, sam, mentions of watchers, small amounts of blood, fighting, yelling

Ethos POV

SamuelGladiator gave me.. very mixed feelings. He seemed so sweet and innocent but so deceiving and violent, like he was masking his true personality. His red eyes seemed to hold a dark aura, but I didn't look too far into it. I figure if my feeling is right, he'll get kicked off the server, and if it's wrong, then he doesn't have to know that. I got a sense that the feeling was mutual among everyone, but Sam's happy go lucky attitude seemed to drown out the negative.

I gave Sam a shulker box with a few basic things like wood, stone, and some diamonds, welcomed him, and quickly made my way away from him, letting the others hermits take my place. Looking around, I noticed Grian and X were gone. Soon enough grian came back looking very upset and took off, and Mumbo started to chase after him but stopped.

I felt someone tall bump into me, and spun around.. it was X. He looked a bit frazzled but deep in thought. Reaching over, I tapped him on the shoulder, and he snapped out of whatever trance he was in. "Oh, uh- yes?" His voice sounded distant.

"Are you alright?" I asked. He considered for a moment before responding. "Just.. something with sam.. nevermind, I have a question for you though.. if grian said something was.. wrong.. with Sam, what would you do?" I was confused at his oddly specific question but wanted to help. "Well.. I trust grian.. but I'd want to watch sam." His eyes lit up a bit. "Thanks Etho." I nodded at him.


Time skip:

Sam talked about Grian.. alot. Not like bringing him up out of the blue, but he'd always find a way to share some sort of story with him and grian from childhood. I wasn't particularly annoyed with him for this, though.. Grian was so oddly secretive surrounding anything related to his past that it's kind of a relief to know he had any sort of life before hermitcraft, and other friends.. friends..?

Speaking of grian, he's been gone the past couple of days.. he doesn't seemed too thrilled Sam is here, but it's none of my business why. X seemed the most concerned about this though, eyebrows furrowed and deep in thought. Poor guy.

Today Sam had shown us his new.. fish shop? Strange.. "when me and grian were in kindergarden I had a super special fish and when it was stolen grian got it back for me!" He explained happily, gesturing to his shop.

"Hey G, we're just checking out Sam's new shop!" I heard Bdubs say from behind. I turned to look, and sure enough, the little red sweatered avian in all his glory.

Speak of the devil.

He seemed dead focused on sam, and put on the angriest most forced smiled I think I'd ever seen. Something was definelty wrong. I was gonna say something to remove grian or sam from the situation, but was interrupted.

"Gree-on! Come see my shop!" Grians face was now blank as he walked over to sam with clenched fists and gritted teeth. I watched the interaction from a distance just like the rest of us unsure of how to handle the situation.

Sam looked down at grian with those sickly innocent eyes and boldly stated, "Now we're just missing taurtis! Maybe you could be Taurtis again.."

Wait who's taurtis? How do you become someone else? This was very confusing.

Grian reacted immediately, eyed widening and then a cold glare as he stumbled backwards his wings in a defensive position. We all were racking our brains for solutions but the scene before us was folding out too quickly for any preventing actions.

"NO- no.. I'm not taurtis!" He sounded scared and then angry. We all looked at him with puzzled expressions.

Sam with his usual innocence casually looked at grian once more, asking, "By the way, what happened to taurtis?"

Grian looked at him in disbelief and the very distinct look of anger. "HES DEAD SAM!" He yelled. Andd the plot thickens, so many questions and looks of confusion passed through everyone.

Sam didn't seem to get the hint and continued. "Wait.. wasn't that your fault though? I heard what a horrible admin you were. Did taurtis die?"



If I thought grian was angry before Sam's comment, I was proven wrong. His eyes showed nothing but pure rage and his knuckles were now a pure white.

There was a small pause but sam just had to say more

"Did you kill Taurtis?"

At this grians eyes suddenly went wide and i saw tears pooling in his eyes, the tip of his wings turning.. purple? What the heck? It might just be a trick of the light, but I swear I saw him get slightly taller.

"SHUTUP! I COULDNT DO ANYTHING TO SAVE HIM, THEY'RE WATCHERS FOR GODS SAKE! AND YOU ARENT ANY BETTER, YOU STABBED HIM, SAM! STABBED HIM!" I felt the collective sudden draw of breath through the group of us.. spectating. Watchers??? And sam STABBED someone?? This was escalating too quickly.

Sam remained irritatingly neutral seeming to get a kick out of grians reactions. What a sick person.

"Killed him? Sorry.. could you maybe refresh my memory?"

Grian stared in disbelief for a moment, before the worst happened. Grian jumped at Sam, the end of his wings slowly turning more and more black and purple.

Sam was slammed into the wall of his new shop looking at him in shock. Grian wasted no time to punch him in the face, his eyes having a strange purple glow to them.

Blood was splattered about the ground and right as grian was about to lunge at the rabbit hybrid once again, Bdubs had took matters into his own hands and thankfully restrained the smaller avian before things escalated too far.

Grian seemed to have a sudden moment of realization and the minute Bdubs let go, He was off to the sky. Almost immediately his wings and eyes returned to normal and he was gone.

Cleo had sent a message out into chat asking for X before I could even register what had just happened.

Within minutes X had arrived and we all gathered in a circle explaining the events that had just took place and in an oddly scary way, X almost looked like he was expecting this. Finally he decided that Sam was clearly not a good person for this server. At the beginning of the conversation sam tried to butt in and sway the narrative in his direction. But eventually we relocated away from him.

At last X had gone to whatever his special setting thing was and in chat appeared the heaven sent words:

>SamuelGladiator has been banned


I'm not too big on the anger one shot in perituclar but I feel like this was necessary for part one to make sense sorry if this bored you I swear I'll try to get a new one shot out in 3-4 days (*; I try to update frequently I swear, life just gets busy

Byyee thx for reading have a great day/night (^з^)-☆

Word count: 1258


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