|~Anger P1~|

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Grian snaps at Sam and hurts him (This is set in current times. It'll make more sense when you read it.. (I hope)..)

TW: Meantions of stabbing, fighting. Injury, small amount of blood, sam, maybe more idk if I missed something, just make sure to tell me if so

Grians POV

For the longest time, I was traumatized. Stuck in a wave of terror at the thought of Sam.. at the thought of watchers. The smallest thing from a purple crystal to a white bunny could trigger a full-blown breakdown for me.. but that changed. After all these long years of my fear, somewhere along the line, that fear became an even more powerful emotion.


A strong resentment of those who hurt me in the past. Of Sam who hurt taurtis, and in a way indirectly led to Yukis death, and caused so much more harm. Of the watchers who tormented the players of Evo, turned countless innocent people, tortured them aswell. A deep burning hatred of them.

I'm pretty sure if I came face- to- face with Sam again instead of curling up in a ball and crying, I'd be on my feet fighting back.

Well, I guess whatever ominous god was watching me at the time wanted to put that thought to the test.


Present time

I made my way to where the initial world spawn point was. X had gathered us all to greet a new member, a new hermit. Everyone had been excited for weeks - discussing how to make them feel welcome (we're already pretty good at that, though) what kind of person they might be, what their name is??

X had kept everything basically anonymous about the new person, per request. It's understandable why the new member might not want us to know about them, but that only fueled our curiosity and excitement leading up to their arrival.

And today, we finally get to meet them.

There was a lively feeling coursing through the air as more and more hermits poured out of the sky at the meeting spot. Everyone was talking and laughing and generally thrilled.

"Is.. this working?" We heard X say into a microphone, tapping it twice to double check. "Oh, erhm.. yeah, okay, so good morning, everyone! I know you've all been waiting for this moment for a while! Remember to make our new member feel welcome.. he should be joining every second.."

Everyone made small, excited noises as we all waited in anticipation.

>SamuelGladiator has joined the game.

Wait, what?


It's a coincidence, right?

But it wasn't. I looked up at the tall man standing before me. Red eyes, rabbit hybrid, same menacing, deceiving aura. It was Sam.

My heart dropped, and so did my expression. Everyone else was walking up to him, offering pleasant name exchanges and gifting him some small items to get him going.

They didn't know.. they couldn't possibly know..

I watched him smile convincingly at everyone.. that smile brought back so much nostalgia.. not the good kind.

His eyes scanned the crowd, and finally landed on me. I saw his expression shift, and his smile was wider- more genuine. My expression was probably disgust, although everyone was probably too caught up with Sam to notice.

"Hey Gree-on!" He smiled at me, waving. Insticutually, a wave of fear washed over me, but anger soon overcame that.

"Sam.." My voice was devoid of any obvious emotions.

Grian Angst |~One Shots~|Where stories live. Discover now