
210 2 0

|| March 2008


Gabrielle  sighed as she finished packing the rest of her stuff, it felt almost eerie that she was leaving Walford. Gabrielle  finished packing her stuff, it was almost unreal to her that she would be leaving Walford, all the memories that she made here were about to be a thing of the past as she was moving to a new place. She felt a lot of things - sadness, confusion, fear, excitement - but despite that she felt as though she had to move, like this was something that she had to do.

She smiled at her parents as she took her things downstairs, she felt like she was all grown up and going to college...but she knew in her heart she wasn't.

Gabrielle  said her final goodbyes to her parents as she carried her bags downstairs, she was very nervous but also very excited to be leaving Walford, it felt almost like a new chapter in her life.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" her mother asked, clearly reluctant that she was going. "Yes," Gabrielle  replied with confidence, she was sure about this decision and she knew that she had to go.

Her step-father smiled as he stood at the front door, grabbing a few of her bags and placing them in the boot of the car. Gabrielle  helps him, showing a small smile.

Her father had been pretty chill about the whole situation, his approach was the opposite of her mothers as he knew she wanted to move in with him. "You alright?" he asked, a genuine smile on his face as he continued to help her. "Yeah, I'm okay," she replied with a polite smile as she carried more bags out to the car.

Gabrielle  and her dad continued to load the rest of the bags into the car, her mother and step-father stood on the front doorstep with blank expressions. They didn't quite know what to say to her, they were confused but annoyed at the same time - annoyed that she would choose her real father over them.

"Can I say my goodbyes to my mates real quick?" Gabrielle  questioned, looking over at her father with a soft expression.

Her father smiled at her, he didn't mind waiting for her to say last minute goodbyes to her friends. "Sure thing sweetheart, I'll wait for you here," he replied, going back over to the front of the car and leaning against the bonnet.

Gabrielle  quickly runs over to Hannah and Kelly, tears streaming down her face. "I'm gonna miss you two" Gabrielle  giggles, hugging the two of them.

"We're gonna miss you too," Kelly replied, she was really sad that her best friend was moving away but she knew it was for the best. "We'll still write letters and things though, right?" Hannah asked, the idea of not regularly seeing her best friend made her feel really sad so she was hoping that letters would be an option for them.

"Of course we will!" Gabrielle  laughs, she wipes her tears and grins. "I've gotta go, but I promise we can Skype everyday!"

"If you don't keep that promise though, I'm gonna hunt you down!" Kelly joked with a cheeky grin, she didn't mean it though, she was just sad about the whole situation. "Yeah, you better not forget about us," Hannah added, it felt like her heart was breaking but she had to be strong for her friend, so she kept her composure.

"I won't forget you" Gabrielle giggles, she hugs the girls one last time before her dad honked his cars horn. "See yous when I see ya" she smiles, running to her father's car and hopping inside.

Hannah and Kelly waved at her as she got into the car and they waited until she was out of sight. The two friends looked at each other in silence, not quite knowing how to feel afterwards. They were sad about the fact their best friend was moving away but at the same time they knew that the change was for the best, they hoped that she would be happier up in Croydon with her real father. "She'll be okay eventually," Hannah finally said, her expression still pretty sad. "Yeah, hopefully..." Kelly replied with a quiet nod.  Gabrielle  waves the girls off and sighs in relief, leaning back into her chair.

Her father put the car in gear and began the drive up to Croydon as he smiled at his daughter sitting next to him. "Are you really sure about this?" he asked, knowing that moving to Croydon was a big move for her. "Yeah, I'm sure," Gabrielle  replied, a smile on her face as she leaned back in her chair.

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