
669 11 5

|| February 2009


Gabrielle grinned as she watched Fatboy doing his usual stupid dances, Leon watching on with a look of embarrassment. She walked over to the two boys and smiled at them softly, Fatboy smiled back, a small blush forming on his cheeks.

Gabrielle  giggled as she noticed how red Fatboy's face had become, she loved it. "You good?" Gabrielle  questions, placing a hand on Fatboy's cheek. "You're looking a bit hot under the collar there..." she smirks slightly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Want some water?"

"No, no...im cool!" Fatboy stammers, clearly struggling to get his words out around the blonde that stood before him. "Uh, im gonna go...but you have fun, yeah?" Fatboy laughs awkwardly as he rubs the back of his neck, he stumbles backwards slightly before walking away from Gabrielle .

"He madly fancies you..." Leon suddenly says, walking over to the petite blonde with a smirk. "Like, proper fancies you. I reckon you should go for it" Leon shrugs as she smiles mischievously, causing Gabrielle  to stare at the brunette puzzled.

"What?" Gabrielle  snorts, tilting her head sideways. "Don't lie Leon, it ain't good for the soul" she rolls her eyes in annoyance and sighs, placing a hand on her hip. "Just cos you ain't getting any?"

"I'll have you know, I am getting plenty thank you. Can tell you ain't though, all that tension from GSCES...must be hard, maybe you need a big strong man like Fatboy to relieve all that tension" Leon smirks, walking closer to Gabrielle . He tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear before grinning.

"As if." Gabrielle  steps back slightly, staring up at Leon even more annoyed than last. "You need to pack it in, you're causing trouble" she sighs, wrapping her jacket around her. Gabrielle  blushed. "I don't need a big strong man. I don't need a man at all." But he was right. Gabrielle  was feeling frustrated with the long hours of studying. She needed some release. She needed to have fun. And Fatboy...he always made her laugh.

Gabrielle  sighed, she walked away from Leon and made her way back home - not looking back at the brunette, even though she wanted to punch him in the face as hard as she could.

Gabrielle  got home and flopped onto her bed. She had been studying so badly that her brain was all scrambled. She needed to just have a break for a bit. She felt her phone buzz, it is was an email from school, telling her to make sure she'd written her personal statements. She sighed. This is what she was doing it for, but the thought of going to a new school still scared her a bit. What if she did apply and didn't get in somewhere? What then? But she pushed the thought out of her head and closed her eyes.

Gabrielle  was woken by her parents' voices coming from downstairs. She glanced around the room for a minute, blinking slowly and stretching her arms. She groaned at the thought of getting up. She stayed like that for a few minutes before forcing her mind to focus and then finally getting up. That's when she heard her parent's voices downstairs again, they sounded frustrated. She sighed and started walking downstairs.

"Mum, dad?" she stammered slightly as she wrapped her blue nightgown around her body, her eyes half-open as she stumbled downstairs. "What's going on?"

They both glanced at her as she came down. "Nothing," her mum said firmly, "Go back to bed, we're just working on something." But it did not sound like nothing and they both seemed a bit tense. But if they did not want her to worry then she would not press it. "Okay," she said softly, turning to go back up.

Gabrielle  planted herself back onto her bed, her head pounding from all the crashing and pounding from downstairs. She sighed deeply as she went to turn off her light, she suddenly noticed a small shadow in the hallway, she got up and made her way over to it - noticing that her 11 year old sister was standing on the landing. "Courtney, go to bed" she whispered angrily.

Courtney looked up at her, her eyes filled with tears. "But I heard mum and dad fighting," she said quietly, "So I came out." Gabrielle  stared at her sister, feeling bad for just wanting to send her back to bed, so she walked over to her quietly. "Don't worry, they aren't fighting," she said, hugging her, though she wondered if that was the truth. "Let's get you to bed, hmm?"

Gabrielle  took Courtney into her room, turning the light off before sighing yet again. "Night" she says softly before closing the bedroom door, hoping her sister didn't have the unpleasantry of listening to her parents argue.

Gabrielle  closed her eyes, hoping that they would stop arguing if she just tried to pretend it wasn't there. That's when her mobile phone buzzed. She checked it, it was a text from Fatboy. "Hi Gabrielle . I hope you're free tomorrow and not studying. Fancy doing something?" Gabrielle  smiled slightly.

She quickly picked up her phone, replying back with just a simple. "Sure" and nothing else. She sighed in relief as she placed her head on her pillow, obviously trying to hide the excitement in her face.

The thought of having a break from studying and hanging out with Fatboy made Gabrielle  smile to herself. She was not the only one who wanted to have a break from studying and doing everything that parents or society expected. Gabrielle  rolled over onto her side and closed her eyes, feeling sleep quickly overtake her now that she had stopped thinking about her parents' fight.

Gabrielle  suddenly jolted awake in the middle of the night, she listened nervously for a while, trying to decipher if her parents were still fighting below her. But after a few minutes she decided that they had probably stopped so she rolled back over and turned back to the other side, then closed her eyes and finally fell back into a deep sleep.

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